Subscribe for PART 2! ►►
Harry Potter is NOT the Chosen One ►
Can Dr. Who Exist? ►

It’s time. Your name has been drawn. YOU are the next tribute for the Hunger Games. That leaves you with one question: Will YOU SURVIVE? Well, if you watch this Film Theory, the odds actually will be in your favor because you’ll be making smart choices that statistically improve your chances of success. So watch on, fellow Theorists, and make sure you’re lounging in Victor’s Village instead of ending up dead meat in the arena…

Twitter: @MatPatGT

NEO ISN’T The One in the Matrix Trilogy ►
What is the DBZ Kamehameha Wave? ►
The TRUTH about Jon Snow ►
Can Dr. Who’s Doctor be a HUMAN? ►
Are VIDEO GAMES the future of movies? ►
How to Win an Oscar for BEST ACTOR! ►
How to Win an Oscar for BEST PICTURE! ►



  1. throwing knives are for all reality not good weapons. if your target is large or far away they have next to no stopping power and would only irritate that aint stoppin no one. plus if you throw your knife now you don't have one. Also if the enemy is moving even towards you it affects the spin meaning that it is far more likely that the actual blade will never touch them. even best case scenario where it is a direct hit if you didn't hit a fleshy area like the solar-plexus or the neck to get the jugular it wont kill them. though i still agree knives are the best weapon due to their easy use in close combat grappling and concealment.

  2. So a 12 year old that eats alot one week before the hunger games and don’t train their muscles with throwing knifes has a higher chance to win a 18 year old beefy dude with mad training?? Statistically…


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