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WONDER WOMAN is Amazing for many reasons. It’s a Superhero blockbuster starring a woman and directed by a woman, which is long overdue. However, the story is by a man who clearly needs a lesson in storytelling. That’s right, Zack Snyder, I’m coming for you. This movie, for all it’s spectacle, has some MAJOR logical flaws. I’m talking flaws so basic that the movie’s entire story is undeniably impossible as a result. Buckle up, Theorists, we’re about to explain why one of 2017’s biggest movies defies all reason and logic!

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Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

Twitter: @MatPatGT



  1. He says they hitch a ride. I don't think he specifically says tugboat. So I'm just going to say that in Wonder Woman comics, and Greek mythology, there are a vast number of supernaturals connected with the ocean. I really, really don't believe they all died off in this movie's backstory (This movie's backstory and the villain twist at the end . . . . I've taken an actual course in Greek mythology, it made me cringe. If someone wanted to make an awesome movie with a Greek mythological heroine, they should write about Psyche.) so SOMEONE, like Poseidon, or Triton, or Hermes, or Apollo (catch a ride west with the sun, anyone?) or another ocean demigod, or someone from Atlantis, or . . . I could probably go on all day if I felt like it.

  2. What the H E 2x double hockey sticks people? You have no right to criticize MatPat for research! None of you are doing it, so why discourage HIS effort? I bet if any of you wanted to make videos like these, you would have copied his research! Go ahead, hate this comment, but don't put MatPat down! He's just trying to entertain you and give you things to think about concerning media, games, and the world around you! Is that bad enough that you have to point out the flaws? ( MatPat, If you see this comment, I love your videos! Keep up the puns, memes, and theories.)

  3. MatPat incoming social justice warrior, to be continued, Jesus man, the film was good and you don't need to kiss the ass of the (((((female director))))) I'm sure she knows she did good without you smoohing her butt. And yes men and woman often discuss sex when they are close. Normal behavior. Female director approves.

  4. you tried different boats and routes, but not for one second did you talk about a better plane.. what if thymiscirea was a lot closer to London. Also geography in this universe is different from our earth. I mean, do we have Gotham or Metropolis???

  5. ┃┃╱╱╰┫┣┫┃┃╭┫╭━━╯
    ┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┣╯┃ _ ┃
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    ┃┃╰━┫╰━╯┣╯╰-I ┃ ┃

  6. If you have ever ready a Percy Jackson book you would know that depending on who is allowing you safe travels your time could differ considering Diana is a child of the gods Zeus May have had Posiden help them get there faster.


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