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Just like a Lannister always pays his debts, a MatPat always delivers his theories – and this one is a must see. With the finale of season 6 now behind us, it looks like Daenerys is in prime position to take back the throne. But I ask you loyal theorists, is that really what we want? I mean the apple usually doesn’t fall to far from the try, and we all know what happened to the MAD KING! Is the same fate destined for Daenerys?

Check out Peter’s Channel ►►

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Twitter: @MatPatGT

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  1. Well now we know that Jon Snow probably got her pregnant after that little boat scene the two of them had. So the theory that's she's too inbred to reproduce will probably be thrown out the window come Season 8. Although Daenerys will still go mad when she realizes that Jon Snow is her nephew and she unknowingly participated in the act of incest.

  2. Wow this is just bad, he was wrong about so much! Correction his theory was flawed, the outcomes mentioned can only happen if preexisting conditions were confirmed. However none of which have been, for instance inbreeding can have effects as was stated do to, simply put any negative traits compounding and amplify each other but we actually don't know what if any such traits existed.

    Do to being human we can assume some did exist but usually it would take several generations of continual inbreeding before things get as bad as was mentioned on the video. The key word though is continual, because any time a subject would procreate out side of their family. they're actually repairing any suppose damage.

    I say suppose because while negative traits are compounded and amplified so are positive traits, which is something no one ever talks about. For example if both parents have a genetic resistances to a particular disease and then they inbreed any child produced from that union will likely have that same resistance or perhaps even an immunity to it.

    Not that I'm condoning incest or anything but this video was just all types of wrong.

  3. Even if Aerys was mad in the end. It was his rule that brought prosperity to all of westeros for decades.The others only were benefiting the nobility or fucked up in general. So even if he was mad. He was the best king westeros ever had.

  4. While the theory is accurate for most of humanity, remember that A) This is a totally different world, with different genetic evolution paths that need not have resulted in so many horrible inbreeding maladies, and B) The Targaryens are NOT normal humans.

  5. The negative effects of inbreeding exaggerated here. The reason is simple, living organisms are built like Swiss army knives. Each biological pathway generally has a back up gene… sometimes several backups. It will take several generations of inbreeding matings for the effects to be seen.

    Also inbreeding can also concentrate good genes, if the people with the bad genes do not have children of their own. Carefully managed inbreeding is what we used to improve our animal life stock

  6. Wouldn't it be such a good twist at the end, though? If everyone we like works together to get Daenerys on the throne and then at the end she just goes crazy and then like Jon has to kill her or something


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