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JURASSIC WORLD follows the same outline as the previous Jurassic movies – humans decide recreating dinosaurs would be fun, something goes wrong with the system designed to imprison them, and a cool amusement park turns into a horrific monster-filled island. But what if it wasn’t so simple? What if the dinosaur fiasco in Jurassic World wasn’t an accident? Strap in, Loyal Theorists. In this episode, I will prove that the dinosaurs didn’t escape from Jurassic World. They were set free!

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Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

Twitter: @MatPatGT



  1. Obidiah 1. The so called white or red devil is Esau the bible speaks of. The police originated to catch runaway slaves. The one world order is ran by the so-called jews of Isreal: Revelation 2:9 & 3:9. The jew or biblically synagogue of satan rules the world. They owned the ships and plantations that the slaves were bought here on, they own the federal reserve, they are the law and own the prisons, they own the media, they are the majority of orginized crime, they are the reason for wars, starvation, geniside and slavery they stole the identity of the Negro their God(red jesus is the Antichrist people, Jesus and the Jews are NEGRO: Acts 13:1. Job 30:30) and their land/Isreal (stole and trodden down by gentiles Luke 21:24) via the Balfour agreement and given to the Rothschilds. They rule the world. They are the real enemy and the red devil the bible speaks of. The hexagon on the Israeli flag is the mark of the beast and is the Rothschilds symbol. They worship the devil. Read the Talmud, The Bible, The International Jew, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, The Thirteenth Tribe, The Iron Curtain Over America, Israel's 5 Trillion Dollar Secret to name a few if you dont believe me. All facts people. Do your own research and God bless us all.

  2. Or maybe Indominus was just chilling in a blind spot of the camera and was all like, “Is hot outside, had better cool off me body temperature.” And then the people inside are like, “Where’d it go?” And then once Indominus sees some tasty humans is like, “It isn’t StarBucks, but it’ll have to do.” And then it sees the opportunity and escapes

  3. if we want to talk about science, the atmosphere doesn't have the same concentration of oxygen as it did in the Cretaceous period, so the larger dinosaurs would be having to stop for a breather every few minutes. On top of that, it's ridiculous to try to claim that high speeds would shatter the T-rex's bones because we know nothing about their bones besides the size and shape. it's just a mineral deposit in the shape of a bone that was once there. T-rex bones could easily have been much denser, and likely would have had to have been been to facilitate chasing of prey.

  4. Dude, you have a LOT of faith in these filmmakers lol let’s be honest, Jurassic World is not the most high quality film… doesn’t it make more sense to assume the writers just didn’t do their homework or maybe were hoping most audience members wouldn’t know about how that species of frog controls its temperature?


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