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Ant-Man Could KILL US ALL! ►►

It has been a topic I’ve wanted to cover since the start of Film Theory, and now that Spiderman Homecoming is in theaters I figured what better time? And after plenty of research, it turns out that our Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman is DEAD! Pure and simple. And it’s by his own doing! In the end it is not the Rhino, or Vulture, or any other animal that stomps this pest into the ground. No, it is that cruel mistress known as Physics!

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Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

Twitter: @MatPatGT



  1. I just realized, nobody ever really confirmed any biological changes that Peter goes through since Spider-Man was a thing. I mean yeah we know his powers and strength but did his bones change at all to be more like a spider's exoskeleton? Maybe when he's web-swinging his circulatory system changes to open instead of closed. I mean in a world where a man can turn into a green giant, meaning his bones, muscles, blood flow, everything about him changes in a second, it's possible more things changed with that spider-bite

  2. DAMMIT! NO! Wrong on EVERY account. The average human can remain conscious under much higher G-forces than are displayed in any Spiderman film. The worlds fastest rollercoster drops people more suddenly and at a much sharper incline at 6.3 Gs. It also has you exposed to those forces for extended periods of time as it goes up, then down, the up again, much in the way Spiderman swings up and down and up again. As for him not surviving the 100 foot falls or hitting walls at 40mph…yeah…obviously. A normal human couldn't survive getting shot by a thousand bullets either, but Superman can. This is because, like Spiderman, he has super…durability (what would we call that power?). Basically, he isn't a normal human, so he obviously wouldn't have the same limitations a normal human would. Spiderman spends his life getting hit by cars on the regular. And by that I mean people literally pick up cars and hit him with them. I WIN! I'M THE GAME THEORIST NOW! I PROVED A POINT TO PEOPLE I'VE NEVER MET ON THE INTERNET! I'M THE WINNER (luv u mat <3)

  3. ummm then how do people go zip lining and sky diving reaching speeds as Spider-Man does and don't pass out or die??? Also there been people in skydiving accidents that shoots don't open and they hit the ground and still survive with minimum damage.

  4. F1 drivers go up to 6 Gs to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 Gs depending on the turn they don" t faint, he is not dealing with high altitude like fighter jets, also wing suits divers go to high Gs too I feel a hole in this theory.

  5. I would love for you to reatackle this from a different angle how fucked up would his boloogy need to be in order for his feets to work in real life. Like the spider grip thing the usual explaine is millions of tiny spider hairs covering his body


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