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You’ve known and loved Snow White your entire life – this is the quintessential Disney story of adventure and love conquering all! OR IS IT? What if I told you that love didn’t save Snow White at all? Disney has been pulling the wool over our eye since the 1930’s and TODAY I set the record straight.

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Twitter: @MatPatGT

Like the theme song? Thanks to CARF!



  1. But what is of i say to you that snowwhite actually died and the Prince is the death because First of all the ending where there is a castle over the Clouds that looks like heaven second the prince is every time there when snowwhite could have died Like the balcone and the fountain where at the end he appears from nowhere and the kiss from the prince aka. Death himself Looks like he takes her soul and snowwhite kisses the dwarfs on the head like they are never going to see eachother

  2. i can answer the question about the coffin… in one of the deleted scenes they were making snowhite a bed…. if it had been kept it would have been very sad, because they had to turn the bed (a gift they were secretly making for her.) into a coffin…

  3. near the end of the theory it was very interesting but then i relized the question : why do care ? if you get wat i mean like or comment this comment (but it still was kinda good šŸ™‚


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