The Media vs. Pewdiepie! ►►
The Media LIES! ►►

This is one I wanted to cover 1) because many of you were requesting my thoughts and 2) because I think Pewdiepie’s situation can teach us all a lot of things about the nature of comedy and how comedy can be a force for good in the world.

And let me reiterate it here, since I’m sure people will jump to conclusions prematurely without watching the video: I support Pewdiepie. I’m a fan of his. I respect and enjoy his work. I agree with his stance on the media and am constantly infuriated by how they manipulate facts and events to generate headlines with no thought or concern for the impact they’re having on people. That said, I do think that Pewdipie could have made his “satire” on Fiverr more clear and targeted, thus avoiding this whole mess. This video is just meant to discuss what went wrong and what could be improved in the future!

Learning is exciting!

Like the theme song and remix for this episode? Thanks to CARF!

Twitter: @MatPatGT

How Drunk is Tyrion Lannister? ►►
Rogue One’s Turn to the DARK Side! ►
The Walking Dead’s Walking DEAF! ►
Game of Thrones – Jorah Theory ►►
Can Dr. Who’s Doctor be a HUMAN? ►



  1. What now about FNAF and Disney on that newspaper? A possible movie? Scott Cawthon, would you like to confirm? Or is it fake…

    So, from my understanding in this, Pewds tried to make humor, but it turned WAAAY too dark. So, EXTREMELY(offensive)dark humor?

  2. people get butt hurt so easily know a days to the point where if you say something racist sexist or what ever you get chewed up and spit out. There are way bigger problems in the world then stupid jokes things like that. ( and im not saying its cool to make joke like matpat said in the video ,im just sensing a pattern )

  3. I love you MatPat but there is one thing that we disagree on. There are different types of memes or groups. For example, there's the doggo memes or the Normie memes and then there's the Offensive/politically incorrect memes and that's where the Jew/Hitler thing falls into place.

  4. They did not ~have~ to do it, Matt. That is why he is not responsible. Just because I could pay money for a billboard space (for example) doesn't mean the person who owns it has to allow it to be there. THey are the ones who decides what actually goes there.

  5. I thought the jew and jesus joke were both funny. Sooooo, yea-just cus you dont find a joke funny doesnt mean you should morally condemn the comedian. Fucking party poopers. Go somewhere else. Let those who enjoy those jokes enjoy then.

  6. Ok, matpat hopefully you, and the lady in Daniel tosh's audience, realize that it is Daniel tosh! Going to a tosh show is basically saying "yea, I know it's going to get gritty, but that's why I'm here. To see Daniel tosh. The p.c. invasion is just a reason to censor people. Ridiculously, it actually works because so many people buy into it.

  7. So I'm white so I can't say anything about minorities… ever heard nothing is above criticism? Nothing is above a joke. Sorry. This is why I can make a racist joke (white, black, or Asian doesn't matter) doesn't make me racist because, I'm making fun of a sterotype not of a group of people. The Internet is just a bunch of thin skinned pussies.

  8. It was more a dank meme than a joke which is still considered funny by alot of people, we think it's funny because you know it's so bad , you know you shouldn't laugh but it's just so random and stupid that it becomes funny in a way like: why is this a thing if you can do this, lets abuse it

  9. In my opinion, a joke is only offensive if it targets an individual. If it targets a group, its a generalisation and so probably doesn't apply to you. If it DOES target a individual, it's up to that person as to whether it's offensive, and noone else. If that person takes offence, THEN I will apologise, and not otherwise.

  10. MatPat, you are the Squire/Knight of Youtube, AVGN is the King though sorry lol Nostalgia Critic would be the Advisor. Screen Junkies/Cinemasins are the council. Cracked are the Court Jesters. PewDiePie…..well he's the jerk lord everyone hates. We are but you're loyal subjects. Keep the grand videos of theories and truth coming.

  11. Mexicans should just go back across the boarder where they belong and stop stealing our jobs, oh wait…. Mexicans didn't cross the US boarder, the boarder crossed them. Hints why there is 2 California. California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico, just right below Californian from America.
    People hate immigrants because when whites did it, the took over the land. Or a whole country. They crossed the boarder of Texas while it was still apart of Mexico, the Mexicans told them to leave but they didn't want to, refused to and soon Mexico lost Texas and later on more land from their country which is now American property. So, can you tell Mexicans to go back from where they belong if their ancestors owned the land before America was even America? I think not.
    But hey that is not really a theory and we should just all get along.
    Can blacks be racists? Yes. My sister had a black friend who hated all black people, of course some will say she is not racist just white washed… or is that term itself racist?
    Mexicans from Mexico, some not all, hate Mexican Americans, and some Mexican Americans hate Mexicans from Mexico. Stereotypes and how they think the other is.
    All this talk and issues with one another when we ought to be trying to make the world a better place we never seem to get that break or bother trying to because of feelings and always wanting things our own way. We are too distracted to do this and work together.
    Hey but I might be an angry middle aged white man or a white washed hill billy or not even one of those or white at all.
    Who knows and who cares. You are human, you breathe and if you went a whole day to days without food and I ran into you, I will buy you something to eat, not because of skin color, race, or religion, but because we all live on this rock and we might as well try to take care of those who are in need and treat everyone equal.


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