HBO has released a bevy of official photographs from the final season of Game of Thrones! What are you waiting for? Look! Look! Look!

Let’s start with the family Stark. The gang’s all here, including Sansa…


…and Bran, who’s gazing into the fire Melisandre-style, contemplating deep things.

The three of them are all at Winterfell, where we left them. It looks like Jon Snow is back as well:

We know based on things the cast and crew have said that Jon and Daenerys will arrive at Winterfell in the premiere episode in a callback to the series premiere, with Dany and her entourage standing in for King Robert and his. Speaking of the Mother of Dragons…

And naturally, the queen doesn’t go anywhere without her Hand:

Tyrion hasn’t been to Winterfell in a good long while. What feelings will his return stir up?

Also in tow is Varys, also advising Queen Daenerys:

Other characters we left at Winterfell remain, including Sam Tarly…

…Davos Seaworth…

…and Brienne of Tarth:

It’s a party at Winterfell!

There are a few characters not gathered at the Stark home base. Cersei Lannister remains in King’s Landing, where she’s traded up for an even cooler costume:

It’s lonely being the queen when your brother-lover has fled the city. Speaking of, Jaime seems to be in transit somewhere. That battered armor is made for riding incognito:

And finally there’s this photo:


Here we go, everyone!

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Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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