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  1. My Kroxigors always do fantastic in the campaign as flanking infantry with Saurus maintaining the frontline, I usually only have one or 2 skirmishers units due to poisoning certain enemies. I do know that the campaign and multiplayer are two very different things … just odd to see how different it really is.

  2. Black Orcs don´t straightaway "destroy" Saurus Warriors but they are straightaway the only Greenskin infantry that has a chance of beating them. Orc Boyz, Orc Big´Uns, Savages and Savage Big´Uns(and obviously also all Goblin infantry variants) will all just get absolutely massacred despite the Big´Uns variants actually being more expensive. And since the Lizards do also have really good anti-large options you can´t really go with a monster heavy build(and cav heavy is absolute nonsence withe the greenskins anyways) which means that Black Orcs are basically mandatory because anything else will just get slaughtered by Saurus Warriors or terrified by the big dinos.

  3. I have to confess, I thought the Greenskins had this game in the bag:

    1. Their main line of infantry was solid: Their Black Orcs would thump the skink cohorts and be tough enough to handle the Kroxigors

    2. They had a solid archer core, that could rain down fire and what-no.

    3. They had a decent general who could provide spell support and what-not

    4. They had at least one 'cav' force that could flank and defeat the lizardmen

    I am surprised that that the Greenskin player allowed his army to fall apart. He had all the 'fundamentals' that would have trounced the lizardmen.

  4. Idea for buffing kroxigors: give them increased melee attack and defense when they're in close proximity with skinks. It certainly fits with lore, as skinks and kroxigors have a very close working relationship both on and off the battlefield, and it seems pretty easy to justify the in-game boost as a reflection of the kroxigors benefiting from their presence. Plus, it's already pretty standard practice to send in monstrous infantry like kroxigors alongside more numerous fodder units, so it's not like CA would be imposing unreasonable changes to gameplay meta.

  5. skink armies are SUPER underrated. you can definitely play a skink heavy army against most factions and do well. javelins punch up really well, they're great at flanking, and you can afford a bunch of big dinos with them.

  6. Ya just don't pick a magic fight with the Slann. They make the High elves look like Green skins.

    Anyhow, I would have picked another Dino instead of the Krox but it seems like they held up the Black Orcs long enough for an HQ kill.

  7. Bonus vs Infantry/large is not applied to melee attack but rather weapon damage. The bonus is distributed in the ratio of of non-AP to AP that the unit has. So since the Kroxigors have 84 weapon strength with 62 of it being armor piercing, the bonus vs infantry will be an extra 13 AP weapon damage will be added to each attack that connects and 5 non-AP will be added.

  8. smaller monsters aren't as good vs gw infantry anymore since all of them have increased weapon strength and better stats in general while Monster while having more numbers there are lot weaker individualy making them easier to kill

  9. why is grimgor such an inferior choice when compared to azhag in this match up, I understand the lack of magic and a wyvern but i feel like grimgor would be able to chop apart enough dinos to possibly make up for his lack of versatility

  10. Hi Turin
    Just FYI Bonus v large/infantry gets applied to the units melee attack and added on BUT it also applies that bonus to weapon damage and it gets divided to weapon strength and armout piercing in the same ratio as the exisiting weapon strength

  11. Kroxigors and Temple Guard are a little disappointing. They both have little survivability and Kroxigors will lose substantially against anti-large units and monstrous infantry of the same price (Chaos Spawn and Armored Chaos Trolls, even the stupid trolls beat them!).

  12. Good example why kroxigors so bad – even vs ideal target and with almost no missile pressure they perform is pretty poor. For example armored trolls – they beat 1v1 regular spearmen unit without problem. And kroxigor lose vs this spearmens. I really hope CA will buff kroxigors (and nerf lizardmen in gereral, or buff game 1 races).

  13. In order for Kroxigors to be more cost effective, they should get a health increase and boost to melee attack/damage. It's unfortunate that you never see them, they're probably my favorite new world unit.


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