If you are a cricket fan, you might know Danny Morrison. The former New zealand cricketer is better known for his pace bowling. He is busy these days with IPL. He is funny but sometimes he acts like a pervert. Showing you some of those clipping in which he act as a pervert.



  1. If he did the same thing in China…….they will send him to Labour camp or execute him with firing squad…….Indians don't have any self respect………even arab muslims and east asians deal with these kind of whites brutally………Indians literally worship whites

  2. WTF๐Ÿ˜จ!!! Endless shitty comments everywhere by this video. That's right, keep going and give a warm welcome to World War Three!!! Go ahead! Fight more.

    Eternal fight everywhere – country to country, religion to religion and racial to racial. That's right, get this world fucked up!

    Hey great idea, just trigger on a nuclear bomb in any one random country. Like India, America, Pakistan, Russia, Japan, North Korea, Australia, China, etc., whatever it is! That will consider confuse other countries who did it and immediately the Nuclear War begins! Let's nuke this earth! Destroy, Destroy, Destroy… Wow, these comments here are driving me crazy. This is fun. Killing the earth is fun. That's right! Destruction to the earth!!! Yupieeeeeeee….๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜!!! Yippee Kayay!!! Boom the earth๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜„!!!


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