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  1. It used to be the Targaryan crown prince's castle (Sorry if i spelled it wrong -.-)
    so naturally there will be dragon statues.

    Also its based on the way its described in the books (its not described like this in the books but they use their imagination thinking a place called "Dragonstone" should have dragon statues) 😛

  2. the builders here had to add some originality to how they themselves see dragonstone or what might make dragonstone look more awe-inspiring. The guys who made the series didn't exactly have a detailed map of the place when they made the show, they simply pictured it out from a description and got to work either finding a place that looked a like or creating it from CGI. the books simply referred that place to was "a small port and a large castle on it".

  3. I know you guys aren't accepting Ranger apps at this time, but is there a way that I can get a map download or something? You guys have done an amazing build with this world and I'd really like to explore it for myself.


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