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  1. I think they captured the show pretty well here considering you can practically hear their decade old game engine creaking under its own weight with each new release these days.

    Seriously Telltale, stop making like 8 different things at once, take a year or two off and come back with a game engine that doesn't looks like an upscaled PS2 game.

  2. Soooooo……. Where's the rest of this? If there's one thing I like, its enduring an awful game, its even better when I dont have to play it. So please, do not make me play it.

  3. I like how this video completely ignores Gared's storyline because Gared's storyline is very literally pointless filler that has no bearing on anything else that happens.

  4. "this season [any season after 3] is great!"
    What are you reta-
    "I haven't read the books"
    I would say that explains it but these last two seasons have been so fucking awful

  5. If you really enjoyed this show, do yourself a favor and find some time to read the books, they're freaking epic. The show is only this good because it has correctly captured the book's pacing and writing, and you will get more additional lore and side stories you could ever dream of. Just to say :p


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