The Theory you never thought of till It was brought up by that one character. Short and to the point take a look at one of our favorite random theories.

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  1. I have a rather crackpot theory in regards to Rickard Stark’s Southern Ambitions. I think Rickard’s ambitions had a far more ominous motive to them than simply replacing the king. I think he was actually trying to take the Iron Throne for himself or someone he could control (eg. Robert). 

    In AGOT when Robert told Ned that he should have taken the Iron Throne. I've always found this statement puzzling because for that to be true, the Starks must have some claim to the Iron Throne, but then there is no known record of any Starks down the line marrying into the royal family. Yet Ned explains that Robert’s claim was better meaning the Starks must have some claim otherwise he would have said he had none.

    But then the Targaryens are not the only ones who have a claim to the throne. We know that the Blackfyres, a cadet branch of House Targaryen did actively try to take the throne on several occasions. I think after four failed rebellions and the War of Ninepenny Kings, with the male Blackfyre line extinguished, the remaining members of this house took a different approach. They may have infiltrated the powerful families of the Seven Kingdoms and were setting the stage for a hostile takeover from within.

    I theorize that either Ned’s mother or grandmother was a member of House Blackfyre and marrying into the Starks was a phase of their conspiracy. We don’t know anything about Ned’s mother besides her name also being Stark. It could be that she and Rickard were making powerful alliances with several powerful lords while also exploiting the dissatisfaction of a despotic king in preparations for another Blackfyre rebellion.

    However Rhaegar and Aerys may have caught onto their conspiracy and were actively trying to kill it. Rhaegar may have seduced Lyanna and married her in order to consolidate both the Blackfyre and Targaryen claim to preempt another succession war, while Aerys may have killed Brandon and Rickard not simply out of wanton cruelty but extreme prejudice over them trying to usurp him. This can also explain why he called for both Ned and Robert’s heads as he wanted to destroy the last Blackfyre male heir, as well as another potential Blackfyre claimant (Robert was betrothed to Lyanna at that time).
    And with Rickard dead his ambitions died with him as Ned either didn't feel he had any right to the throne or simply didn't want it so the rebels backed another claimant. One who has a more direct link to the ruling line, and hence Robert became king. 

    I may be wrong about all this but it would be an interesting twist if this happened to be the ultimate goal of Ned’s father.

  2. Even if this is theory is true it's completely justifiable, The Targaryen were pretty bad kings, other than Aegon I and Jaehaerys I there are no Targaryen kings that deserve to sit on the Iron Throne, the mad king was just an icing on a cake. the Seven Kingdoms would be better off without a rolling dynasty. let alone being corrupt this much.

  3. Why "southern" ? Well anyway this theory doesn't seem really fleshed out, and takes at its center an element that can be used to proove the dragonless/Maesters conspiracy. I guess you might want to check it out. 

  4. I like this theory as a fair assumption of the strategic decisions made by Lord Rickard concerning marriage alliances and general attitudes amongst northern lords surrounding Robb. I would think it unlikely that Lord Rickard ever intended to go against the Targaryens directly, but that he would see this as a protective bloc to balance the Mad King. If Rhaegar himself had been sympathetic to them initially, it makes it all the more understandable why, when he took Lyanna, Rickard was so angered and liable to consider this a deliberate provocation by the Targaryans, and yet why he would be so confident as to storm into the Red Keep to confront the King in person, without seemingly being afraid of arrest and a grisly punishment.

    Now, a much more pressing and important matter. I haven't yet found the 'Warg Theory' video, but an idea struck me while watching the end credits here: are you about to reveal that Ser Pounce is not who he appears and holds the fate of the Kingdom in his paws???

  5. I think this is over analyzing it. I concede it does line up, the possibility of a Stark, Tully, Arryn Kingdom breaking off by installing a Baratheon king to the Iron Throne. However, I think Rickon Stark was just a cunning diplomat. These alliances are a great way to protect your house from being picked on. When Ned went to the capital, no one but his wife's family wanted to help. A child married here or there might(would) have helped greatly.


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