Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. Dany, they locked them away because they were destroying towns, killing livestock, and eating children. Not to play the blame game, but it seems like it was a good idea to lock them up considering the circumstances.

  2. why couldn't they just have killed cersei here?, i mean the only real body guard they have is the mountain. but team jon and dany have the hound and the oath keeper. and they also have 2 dragons and a bigger army than cersei. even if there is wildfire under the city there is still like a bunch of other options to take rather than just let tyrion talk with cersei and trust her word. in this episode the only one whos truly fucked is cersei

  3. i cannot help but think that Tyrion betrayed her in the cut scenes after he discovered she was pregnant. It was prophecied that she would be betrayed thrice: for gold (jorah), for love (? maybe that witch/tyrion) and for blood (Tyrion may fit here/the witch for taking Drogo and Rhaego).


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