A countdown on the Top 10 Most Compelling Costumes from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2, Stormborn. Major Spoilers! Check back next week for another episode.

Countdown Graphics and additional editing by John Loney

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The making of Arya’s Braavos costume:

Verena Valkyrie YouTube Channel:

Larysa’s Daenarys Wedding Costume Cosplay:The fabric is a heavy crushed fine cotton (it’s the closest look to the fabric in the dress we could find here) – it was the end of a roll so there was only just over 5m left, so we had to be judicious with the pattern!! It was good that the fabric was 1.5m wide, though! The fabric was originally a cream colour, but Steph dyed it to a greyish-purple. To make the dress I studied lots of photos of the actual dress and decided to do it the ‘easy’ way 😉 I got one of Steph’s old bras and cut the arm-bands off. I then cut the cup down to the right shape (it was one of those ‘t-shirt bras’ with the moulded cup). After this, I simply cut two pieces of full-width fabric at the length of the dress, from the top of the bra cups to the floor, plus an additional 6″ to allow for sewing the top and hem. Steph then sewed the side-seams. I then took the fabric ‘tube’ and aligned the side-seams with the side of the bra. I pinned the fabric to the bottom of the bra so that I had the right length and the fall of the fabric wasn’t skewed by how I sewed the top of the bra. Then I pinned the fabric along the top of the bra and folded the excess (about 2″) over the top of the bra. After this I unpinned the bottom of the bra and flipped the bra over so I was sewing the fabric to the top of the bra, but through the back, so the fabric flipped over the top and fell down the front. At this point, before sewing the fabric to the bra, make sure you have the seams on the inside!!! (Don’t ask me how I know this!).

Once the front is sewn along the whole top of the front of the bra you need to do the back. I pinned a piece of ribbon between the ends of the bra, about 6″ long. Then I pinned the fabric all along the bra edge and sewed it the same as I did the front, stopping at the beginning of the hook area. It took me a couple of days of thought to work out how to make the dress look the same all along the back, but still be able to get in and out of the dress and have the whole back section look the same! In the end, I decided to sew a piece of elastic along the edge of the fabric, enough that when the elastic is stretched it’s the length of the fabric. I then sewed the ends of the elastic to the edge of the clip area on the bra (pretty much where I stopped sewing the back of the dress). The elasic should be on the inside of the bra, but again, the fabric flows over the top of the elastic and over the clip area, then down the back. It’s difficult to get into the dress, as you have to go up under the back skirt and do the dress up! Still, it’s the only way I could get the fabric to ‘sit’ along the back nicely.

Once I finished this, I then took two strips of fabric, about 40cm wide, did a rolled edge on the fabric, gathered it and sewed it at about a 45deg angle so that it crossed across the front of the dress. I made these the balance of the fabric long, so they ‘flowed’ at the back like a train. Two 40cm lengths left me with with 70cm remaining down the edge. I cut two 30cm strips, rolled their edge for use as the armband veils, and two 5cm strips for use as the neckband and armbands. The neck band has calico inside it for strength and is covered by two layers of the fabric. I sewed this onto the top of the bra cup and made them exactly the length needed to get to the back of her neck. I used press-studs as the closure here because I knew they’d be covered by hair!
The arm bands were two pieces of the fabric (for bulk) then simply plaited. We were going to make the ‘right’ armbands (Steph does do a little chain-maile as a hobby) but it just proved too difficult. Now I think I know how Michele did them, I think they’re bands with the chain-maile rings sewn onto them, but at the time we made this (2 years ago) I thought it was actual chain-maile! Anyway, we ran out of time, so I did them simply. I made the plaits longer than needed and sewed them onto a piece of elastic, which allowed them to hold up on the arms.

Act Three by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Essence 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. Note to viewers: I regret that I referred to Jim Broadbent's character as Maester Marwyn and not Archmaester Ebrose. These show recaps are new for me and I'm not used to the 24 hour turn-around. Cheer, Heidi.

  2. Jon still doesn't know anything! It's obviously Sansa who's in charge of the upgrade in his wardrobe – no one knows the power of good fashion better than her, and she would definitely make sure that her brother was well attired.

  3. I've been wanting to reproduce some of the gorgeous GOT costumes at least since Season 2 (maybe Season 1), but as doll clothes (I have both an 11 1/2" Barbie and a 16" Tyler Wentworth to size them against) — however, I discovered that I have much more patience for crocheting doll clothes than sewing them. There seem to be far more historical/fantasy costume patterns for 11 1/2" fashion dolls than for the larger 16" dolls, so a bit of creativity and experimentation might be in order.
    Truthfully, the costumes are probably my favorite part of the GOT TV episodes (the sex & violence can be a bit overwhelming sometimes on the TV screen, as opposed to Mr. Martin's books, where you can use your imagination or skim past the most gruesome bits). I am so glad I finally discovered your channel!

  4. I'm not a fan of the too similar outfits, e.g. due to the lighting I didn't realise Sansa wore 2 different outfits this episode, it's only when I saw photos that I noticed. However, the 2 outfits are so similar why bother? Just have her wear the same costume. I don't understand the reasoning behind it, at least you could see Dany was wearing a different costume even though there was a similar cut.

    I'm hoping we get more colour and a noticeable difference with the costumes, but I think only Dany and Cersei will have something interesting to wear while everyone else will be in a muted costume.

  5. The head dress Lady Olenna wear is very similar to headdresses worn by Lithuanian women in Aukštaityja region in the 19th century. It took me quite a while to equalise the two, but silhouette looks very familiar and it kept bothering me because I had the feeling I have seen it somewhere. The Headdress is called 'Nuometas", is ONLY worn by married women and is about 3,5 meters in length, usually decorated on the both ends of red embroidery band. For visual information please check this link: https://www.google.lt/search?q=aukstaiciu+nuometas&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi15reAuafVAhWiApoKHahBAq0Q_AUICigB&biw=1858&bih=1110

  6. Wow.
    Finally got a chance to watch this tonight. Steph's been away, so we waited until she got home and put it on the big screen.
    Absolutely hilarious, Steph wasn't concentrating at the beginning and I saw her come up on the screen, so I paused it and said 'Hey, have a look at that costume', so she looked up, and looked confused for a minute, then said 'WTF? That's AWESOME'. lol
    So that was fun! Thank you 🙂

    With regard to the costumes on GOT, though…
    What do you think of the dire-wolves on Sansa's leather strips holding her cloak up? Is it just me, or do you think those dire-wolves would look MUCH better the other way up? I mean, with the heads pointing up and out, away from each other. I can't help thinking that the way they are on the screen, they just look like they're about to crash into each other.
    I know the direwolves on Jon's gorget are facing toward each other, so maybe that's what they were going for, but with the added angles they just look wrong…
    If I was one of the conspiracy theorists I'd wonder whether it's a harbinger to a crash between Starks?!?! 🙂

  7. Hi Heidi, thank you so much for the mention!!!!! This video is super interesting as always 🙂 I loved Ellarias costume so much in this episode. I love the slightly cool hue of the coat, which fits perfectly with the "winter is coming" theme 🙂

  8. I am a fan of costume analysis and Game of Thrones so your videos are absolutely divine! Thanks so much for all the effort you put into your videos and looking forward to future ones 😊

  9. First off let me say thank you so much for this channel! I stumbled across you a few days ago and have been watching as many videos as possible. I love costumes and behind the scenes stuff from TV and film so this channel is like a dream. Also, as an aspiring cosplayer, the information you provide like fabrics, notions, stitching/construction techniques, etc is a wealth of information. Keep up the great work!

  10. I'm like to counter what you say about Alys Karstark's outfit not having her sigil. At 3:44, her belt loops into when appears to be a slightly abstract take on her sigil. It's at her right hip, our left.
    I'd also like to add that it would be cool if Jon Snow adopts the two direwolves facing each other as his own sigil as King of the North, as you've shown here at 12:11. Bastards in medieval time adopted their own sigils or crests, and it'd be pretty cool foreshadowing in his dress to have a double direwolf sigil. It could also represent Ghost, Jon's direwolf, facing the south from the north while Nymeria, Arya's direwolf, face the north from the south. It could also foreshadow how Jon and Arya will meet again.
    I think Stormborn was overall a good episode, except for Missandei's and Greyworm's scene. It was too long and made the episode feel shorter than it was.

  11. I love these vids! keep them up!
    I have a construction question that's been bugging me though. What materials do you think are used in the construction of Danys cobra sleeves? I tried to make a similar silhouette at uni years ago (at the time it was inspired by glen close in 102 dalmations) and whilst I made a convincing pattern, I never knew how to make them look good in development?

  12. I really love your series thank you so much for doing it, but please learn how to pronounce words you don't know.
    For example it is Korkasus not cackasas. Google can help you there have been other glaring examples as well.

  13. Great video as usual! Except that's not Marwyn, it's Ebros (such a shame for book readers) also, when you mentioned 'the mermaid scales' trim on Vary's costume I was shocked! There's this really obscure theory developed by book readers that Varys is secretly a mer-man. Do you think Michelle Clapton is secretly trolling us? 😛

  14. LOVE your videos! So interesting what you see with a designers eye, but girl your pronunciation i've never heard someone say "Gaga" like that or caucasus like that its like caucasian as in the race or like when delegates meet, its all from the same root.

    your Balmain was perfect tho


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