I hope Aria and Robert’s son (that I don’t remember his name lol) become bffs! lol Check out my full UNCUT reaction for this episode here:

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  1. Ok, first of all I want to say that your reactions and especially the game of thrones ones are my favorite reactions on YouTube. So without spoilers I’m gonna tell you that the season 2 finale is really big and there are many important scenes in it that all together are way longer than 10 minutes. So all I’m asking you for is to react to that episode in two parts. Because I love your reactions and I want to see how you react to every single important thing. Your reactions are the best, for real. So then you can react to 20 minutes of this hour long episode. And a really important one for all that matters. I would really appreciate it if you would because, like I’ve said many times, your reactions are the best. I’d love it if you could at least consider it. If you see this can you please reply so I’ll know you’ve seen this. I’ll be posting this on your future game of thrones videos until you notice haha. Anyways hopefully you’ll see this soon.

  2. Hi Juli just a little FYI , you seem to be getting (pronuncing) most of the names like Cersei, Joeffrey, but Tyrion is Tear-e-on. The way you say it sounds like Tie-Ron. The guy with Arya, Robert's son is Gendry. I really like those 2 together. Oh, my sweet summer child the story only gets better and better. Keep those videos coming, and please people no spoilers. Yes you have a lot of time, but that's what worries me regarding spoilers. DianeX3

  3. What is different about this show and others regarding women, is that they show that it is not supposed to be a normal thing that they are treated that way. It's not just things to roll our eyes at and say 'ugh, men'. Even the things in this series women still experience today, they still show us we have to be angry. Despite what people say, this show has some of the strongest women on TV even from the first two seasons because of, like you mentioned, how they handle the situation especially in a world like that.

  4. Stop with all the jump cuts, please. It makes for very bad editing and the scenes are not shown more fully. And, please let us hear the scene. Your voice is much louder than the episode on this video. Thanks.

  5. Me encantan tus reacciones de GOT.
    A medida que avances en la serie experimentarás todo tipo de sentimientos (alegría, enojo, tristeza, etc) pero es lo maravilloso de este programa,que NUNCA deja de sorprenderte.
    Te recomiendo sigas como lo haz hecho últimamente, sacando video a un ritmo moderado, aunque se que es muy difícil porque es una serie muy adictiva. Te lo digo por experiencia propia, ya que terminé de ver las 7 temporadas en un mes y ahora tendré que esperar hasta el 2019 para los nuevos capítulos😔.

  6. Yes Juli. 17:00 Each of them struggle for a better position in life. Everyone, Brienne, Rose, the whores, the bastards, the hands of the kings (Davis, Tyrion), the king, the queen, Jaime, Danaerys… Everyone struggles. Everyone struggles for more. More money, more power, more influence, more love a better position, a better life… That's makes this show amazing.

  7. It always puzzles me when some people complain about women status in this show. Yes, women are thought as less in GoT (this has been the reality for women aorund the World for centuries). After all, it is a patriarchal society in medieval Europe type of system. But truth is that women's character in this story are some of the best and strongest characters I've seen. Especially compared with so many other stories, even those set in the modern times. In a way, this is one of the most pro-feminist show there is. Sometimes even too much but I'm not gonna mention why cause I do not want to spoil anything for you. Suffice to see Dany though, but also Cat, Arya, Yara, Melisandre and even Cersei. These are just a few up to this point, but more to come in the next seasons. Yes, they all struggle (who doesn't in this show anyway? lol) but they also are strong and smh prevail, each in their own way and given the circumstances. There is a diversity of female characters in this show, just like in reality. People need to stop whinging about it cause it's absurd and silly.

  8. Cersei is a pretty complex character. She has her moments when she shows her vulnerability. Sometimes she can get on my nerves and sometimes I feel for what she goes through.

  9. Some reactionists binge and then they only upload very important and popular episodes, that way you can binge, record all of it, and then you would only have to edit the episodes that you want to upload, so it may end up being less work for you, also you could ask us in the comments to let you know which episodes to upload, we know all of the big ones…

  10. Cersai is a villain. She’s not a woman who’s just making due. Yes she has disadvantages because she’s a woman. But, she comes from the most powerful house AND she killed Sansa dire wolf because she could. At the very least she’s a B!t@h 🤣

  11. Listen. Why not indulge yourself? Watch as much and as many episodes as you wish at one time. However you do it won't affect my view of you. You're still the best reaction on youtube.

  12. Love your reactions and reviews Julie, great insights! The Red Priestess is called Melisandre btw. The show doesn't address this so it's not a spoiler but Melisandre and her religion are from the far east of Essos. Essos is one of the four continents along with Westeros, Sothoryos and Ulthos that make up the Known World and is also where Daenerys has been since Season 1.

  13. The red-haired woman in red is Melisandre, a priestess of the Lord of Light aka R'Hllor aka the Red God. She chose to serve Stannis Baratheon because she believes he is the Chosen One, a person who will lead the world into the light and will defeat the darkness. The Chosen One or The Prince That Was Promised is a godlike legendary figure of her religion. Many years ago one of those defeated the Night's King and his army of White Walkers and there is a prophecy that someday another Chosen One will appear to win a great war and to bring summer back. Because winter is coming, you know.


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