Dark Wings, Dark Words
Game of Thrones 3×02 Jaime and Brienne Sword Fight



  1. jamie isnt as good as people think. ned let him know in season 1 , briann let him know here if he was that good he'd be able to use his left hand later when thats all he has.

  2. Why the f*ck does everyone care so much about the books! For Gods sake, an adaption doesn't have to do everything the source material did. And besides, I prefer the show. The characters are less unlikable, a lot of characters and plot points I don't care about are removed (Dorne, Tyrion with Aegon, the dicking around with most plot points). But stop saying either the books or the show are better than the other,nit just seems petty and obnoxious.

  3. I honestly think that Brienne is lucky af, I never use the book as a reference to the show because theyre almost completely different, but surely this girl is lucky, she faced a tired, weakened, starving Jaime Lannister and a wounded, slower and weaker Sandor Clegane, u gotta be REALLY lucky… reeeeally lucky…

  4. I just stopped by to see how many more people have whined about Brienne lately. Wah… it's politically correct… wah… she's not so tough in the books… wah… it's feminist… wah… get over it. If you don't like the show, don't watch it.

  5. The Books.. The show.. Bugger that.

    Would Brienne have won? In this instance.. Yeah, absolutely. Jamie is a shadow. A shitdraped, heshen wearing, moldy, rotting vegetable as compared to what he would be had he been wearing armor, wielding a decent sword and had his hands been unbound. Those few factors, a decent fucking meal and perhaps a bath.. There's no way Brienne could have beaten him. She's a tough bitch and skilled, warrior.. But she's not the she-hulk, god-mode, pwnd you scrub git gud MLGPRO that the cancer of contemporary feminism is detached enough to believe.

    Least it's not Season 6.. Danny just tipping over coal-filled braziers and killing some of the most revered and competent Dothraki swordsman because apparently woven twig is as flammable as hydrogen ..

  6. The one part of the GoT Universe I never got over was Jaime losing his hand. Infamous swordsman and we only get to see him fight full strength once and it was cut short. A scene with Jaime in a trial by combat wielding Oathkeeper would've been epic!

  7. Just because of fucking feminists and butthurt women in the world today, we see fucking Brienne destroy the best swordsman in Westeros (given that he was badly weaken and in disgusting condition).

  8. 1:12 Jaime: 'I never understood why some knights felt the need to carry two swords.'

    Seriously? You of all people? You, who were trained by Ser Arthur Dayne who also used two swords and was known as the best swordfighter in all Westeros? You don't understand that need? …ok, then…
    Shit, even if he wasn't trained by Arthur Dayne, he would have still known about him and his famous reputation. That should be enough to explain why some knights carry two swords.
    Sure, Brienne isn't one of those dualwielding specialists, so she wouldn't have need of a second sword but SOME knights need two because they ARE dualwielding specialists and Jaime should know that, having learned how to fight by one of them.


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