Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8 “Second Sons”
Sam saves gilly’s baby and kills a white walker with the dragonglass he found but he forgets it
Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8 “Second Sons”
Sam saves gilly’s baby and kills a white walker with the dragonglass he found but he forgets it
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*Sam and Gilly need to describe this even in copious amount of detail in order to convince others, rather than something like "the white walker went for my baby, but Sam stabbed him with a dragonglass dagger and killed him."
Is that Jon @ 1:56?
why he leave the fucking DRAGON GLASS, your so fucking idiot SAM i thought your smart.
look like sam…puts on rad shades….iced that motherfucker.
Crows/ravens part of the three eye-ravens warging?
Don't leave the murder weapon at your crime scene, the WWPD will catch you.
WHats up with the crows I dont understand!
can they stop leaving their dragon glass everytime they fight white walkers?
0:07 That's one good looking sword for a poor Nightswatchman
So all those Ravens meant Coldhands was nearby?
That's how we take them down. Spread the world with morse code.
Why are the Sams always the fat heroes in their tales.
Sam most skilled Westerosi warrior confirmed.
Move aside, Cleganes and Starks. Hail the new King, I say.
Sam Tarly – an official badass!
Did he just leave the knife??
Samwell Tarly, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.
Now all the Night Watchmen need to do is stock up on dragonglass weapons and fire. I like the idea of a dragonglass sword, dipped in oil and set ablaze!
whats with the crows?
how to be a fat hero: call yourself Sam 😛
Sam should have just eaten the White Walker.
Samwell Tarly: Proof that not all heroes wear gilded armor or carry swords. He is just as, if not more heroic, than the noblest of Knights
I guess Sam read in a book somewhere that dragon glass has 100% crit rate against White Walkers.
Now this I never really got. This particular white walker, we see him get killed by Sam but later we see him carrying one of Craster's babies again to sacrifice? Did I miss something here?
r scott baker has a better not-europe and not-mesopotamia and imo better characters, setting and more, but the guy has lady issues that make grrm's look like lemoncakes to lemon showers.
white walkers, so dangerous. the only thing that can kill them is magic steel, sun, fire and fat people. christ.
When carrion birds start following you around, you are either about to kill something or about to die.
Yeah leave the only thing that can kill them *clapclapclap
Is that the same white walker you see in the season two finale?
And here I thought it was just me.
It still wouldn't hurt to have one more
To everyone saying pick up the knife, it's not a big deal, he has all the dragonglass from the First of the First Men, he has like 5 more which he gives to the Stark Crew. Chill yo beans.
Is it just me or does the white walker look like Tywin Lannister?
Sam the slayer! 😀
Although Sam here is nowhere as assertive as Sam in LOTR, but you can see the pattern.
Not so skinny young man that starts out soft and becomes a underdog hero kinda deal.
Then why ask the question? Sorry, Words over the internet are emotionless.
Because a knife/spearhead can stand. In the books dragon glass shatters.
yes. read the books
the glass was fine, it was standing right there.
I love Samwell. Im sucb a sucker for the underdogs in the series. Jon, Daenerys, Stark kids