Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 9
The Rains of Castamere
Daenerys Targaryen sents Her Soldiers at Yunkai
Daario Naharis, Grey Worm, and Ser Jorah at Yunkai



  1. grey worm is a good character. but they need to have him fight more. he did nothing in season 4. yeah i like his story with masandi. but why is he the leader of the unsullied if he never actually does any commanding. I suppose dany does fuck all anyway.

  2. Fuck … if that's the case Dany should have put Grey Worm, Daario and Ser Jorah at some narrow gate and let them 3 vs the whole Yunkai'i army themselves … they would've been done by noon =D

  3. To be honest, there is too many problems with how this happened in the TV series…even the greatest fighters can't take 5 people at once (at that last scene there were like 15 guards against the 3 of them), and even if they did kill the 15, they should be exhausted afterwards…not to mention i don't remember a viable explanation on how the city was taken, I mean they can't take the city by themselves…

  4. Because its not barred and locked duh.
    But you've got a point, by night they can approach unnoticed like this, which means they can storm the gates easily without giving the guards the time to put those large beams on the other side, the way siege gates like this are usually locked.

    Also the guard leaves his post and goes trough the door when Daario enters, not that bright when you've got an army on your doorstep.


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