Game of Thrones, Season 5 episode 3
Roose Bolton, Petyr Baelsh and Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell



  1. Damn, I don't know if it is just me but the boltons don't seem to fit in to the show as much as the other characters, I'm guessing that was the intention to make them fucked up and different, but sometimes it seems like they seem as if they aren't part of the show. Plus I swear Roose Bolton doesn't look like the type of man that would be a Bolton, he looks way to kind in my opinion, tbh if they had stuck to the book versions of Ramsay and Roose it would have been a lot more terrifying, they are described as looking way more terrifying than Ramsay and Roose do in the show.

  2. Littlefinger may be more intelligent and cunning than Roose but it doesn't stop Roose's bullshit detector from going off. Roose has a fair amount of cunning, caution, and pragmatism to know that Littlefinger is up to something.

  3. Ramsay you had one job to do. One. Not only did you NOT do it, you managed to bring down the entire 8000 year old Bolton line. Roose will rue the day he….well he would if you hadn't killed him.

  4. 1). This proves Petyr really knew nothing about Ramsay's torturous behaviour because he said so without having anyone to pretend in front of.

    2). Petyr took down all the Lannisters but left out Tyrion because he he knows he is a threat. Also that Tyrion has no alliegances to the Lannisters.

  5. It would be interesting to fully see Littlefinger's plan (aside from creating chaos to get the Iron Throne). It's clear he had this planned way back in Season 3 when he tried to get Sansa out of King's Landing and back to Winterfell. However, this is before the Red Wedding and Tywin's death, so what was his original plan?

    With the Red Wedding and Tywin's death, the Boltons need Sansa Stark even more. But what if Tywin was still alive? Would Roose have married Sansa to Ramsay knowing that Tywin would withdraw support? Would Roose have made that exchange?

  6. This scene is so awesome. It's amazing to see two great but very different villains speak to each other. Wished I could've seen some combinations of Tywin, Roose, Balon Greyjoy, Littlefinger, Walder Frey (some of these combinations have been done).

  7. What happened to "and what do we do to those who hurt the ones we love"? Boltons were more involved in Cat's death than Lannisters. So how come LF is giving them Sansa instead of plotting to kill them?


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