Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 8
Tyrion, Jorah Mormont and Daenerys



  1. I do not hate Daenerys. I really don't I actually think she rocks but she really was more sympathetic in the first 2 season and later on she just becomes empty and an almost boring basic queen kinda woman.

  2. If once jorah leave her because he wanna leave her she will understand how much she needs him and love him . Btw for what she did in this scene she's a real bitch , she is alive because of him for godsake !!!

  3. Tyrion says, "You can't have him by your side when you do. " Jorah comes back with greyscale and Daenerys tells him, "I command you to cure yourself. When I claim the 7 Kingdoms, I will NEED you by my side. " Season 7 Jorah's cured, and headed to BE by her side. Alright GoT universe, we demand you give the King of the FriendZone, and the Knight of the IronCheekbones some satisfaction after such persistence!

  4. I hate how arrogant Dany is in this scene. She is acting like she got all of her power all on her own. Bitch you were about to trade your baby dragon to a slave master to get an army of unsullied, and you lied to him. That master had more honor than you, he atleast didn't enslaved you and stole your dragons, even though he could if he wanted to. Don't act like you are smth special and badass and smart. You are just one lucky white girl who broke a trading pact and benefited from it. Thats it. She has no claim, Westeros isn't the property of the insane Targaryens, Westeros belongs to the Westerosi who live there for centuries.


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