Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 9



  1. I don't know if anyone's saying this, but don't think Missandei was being stupid when she didn't protect herself. You might think that given her great height she might have been able to kill some of the Sons of the Harpy. In the books she is said to be much younger than Daenerys, just a child, and of course she doesn't know how to fight. This can also explain the two girls' behaviour to each other. Dany reaches for her friend's hand at 4:35, because she feels protective over her. And of course, we can see that Missandei is panicking and hiding behind her Queen, because she trusts her. Rant over. Give Missandei some love, guys. She's awesome

  2. As far as battle experience goes, Dany has definitely been in the midst of battle and has way more experience then Cersei. Just looking back at old episodes like this and then looking at their match-up it seems even more one-sided then it already did. She was in the middle of this where her life was at stake and her dragon rescued her, her life was at stake against Khal Moro and the others and she took care of that on her own, not to mention she was forced into marrying into the Dorthraki to begin with and had to adopt their lifestyle as her own. They really showed her character grow from a scared child to a strong experienced leader. Cersei has always been a privileged child who had it all from the start, no struggle, no battle experience, life never really threatened. Just schemes and back-stabbing. She doesn't stand a chance against Dany

  3. This was a pivotal scene because Danerys wasn't sure she still had the same dominion over her dragon's as when they were small…but this gesture by Drogon not only wiped that away, it emboldens her to know she can go to war with her dragons at her side..I really hope Drogon doesn't perish in season 8…even though he's all CGI, he's one of the best characters of the show.


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