Jorah Mormont appears to take his turn in the pit, silencing all in Dany’s company. He takes part in a six man melee. Jorah is knocked down and preparing for a killing blow. Tyrion tells Dany that she can end this, and Hizdahr says she can’t. A third man kills the one standing over Jorah, leaving on the two to them left. Jorah kills the man, and stands victorious. The crowd boos. Jorah picks up the man’s spear and throws it into the box, killing a Son of the Harpy who was creeping up behind Daenerys Targaryen. More Sons appear in the crowd and begin killing those in the crowd. Hizdahr says he knows a way out, but the Sons kill him before he can lead them away. Jorah arrives and takes Dany’s hand. A son tries to kill Missandei, but Tyrion kills the son first. Dany, Jorah, and Daario struggle to find a way out of the pit. Finally, Dany and her company – protected by Unsullied – are surrounded in the center of the arena by Sons of the Harpy. Just as Dany seems ready to accept her fate, Drogon comes screeching through the air over the arena walls. The Sons scatter, though not all escape Drogon. They regroup and begin throwing spears at Drogon. Dany walks towards Drogon, pulling a spear out of his hide. The Sons continue to attack Drogon, until Dany climbs on his back. She speaks a word and Drogon takes off into the air, with Dany on his back in the ending scene. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 (S05E09) “The Dance of Dragons”

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  1. I would like to put my theory in. Ok, it's said that the starks will rise from the dead. I believe once they come to winterfell their magic will bring the dead starks back and they'll help fight against the walkers. I think that'd be cool.

  2. I actually liked Hizdahr, He's just your average Joe who happened to be born into a bit more wealth than others. He wasn't evil nor good. He was just a simple guy. Dany did him so wrong, and if he actually made it out alive, he would have been a good member of Dany's council.

  3. This scene still gives me the creeps, I love it. The way daario looks up to see the harpies, in plain view, with both expressions of "oh crap!" And "how did we miss this" combined with the hissing and score…
    Just creepy,

  4. Funny how the harpy are rich over weight people and they just kill the unsullied like its no big deal. Most people run from bees, and these idiots are fighting a dragon like its no big deal while their friends are being cooked.

  5. Is that a blue-eyed woman dressed as an unsullied at 3:11 point in the video? I thought all unsullied were eunichs? I have seen no discussion on this but I'm wondering if she is in disguise for some unyet known plot line.


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