Game of Thrones 6×02
Euron Greyjoy is introduced
Death of Balon Greyjoy



  1. Balon was a brave man(you'd have to be to rebel twice), and a moderately good strategist(attacking The North while their main army was away was smart), but his stubborn pride was his undoing(trying to hold the lands he'd conquered when the tide had clearly turned against him was foolish), and ultimately his capabilities didn't match his ambitions(he never had the resources to hold THAT much territory for long. He would have had to mobilize on the scale that Yara planned to, and which Euron did).

  2. I like how proud of himself he sounded when he confirmed he went crazy, forcing his crew to tie him to the mast. The way he said " They did" sounded like he was thinking "ah, good times."

  3. Balon is fucking stupid if they were just to hold up in the Iron Islands and prepare their armies they could overthrow any house if they wanted to but no he instead goes up North because he feels like it and then gets most of his armies wiped out in the process.

  4. Why did they mess up King Stannis' storyline so much?

    It was Stannis who took back Deepwood Motte and gave it back to the Glovers.
    The Show's assassination of Stannis' character is the an abomination…..closely followed up by the crapfest that became of the Dornish plotline.

    I lol'd when the sandsnakes murdered Doran and Areo Hotah. Book Areo Hotah could have killed all of the sandsnakes in his sleep.

    The jury is still out whether the show will do Euron justice. The book version of the Crow's Eye is so creepy, i feel like I have to take a shower everytime he makes an appearance. His appearance in the chapter Forsaken is legendary.


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