Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6
Children of the Forest created White Walkers



  1. I think there's a significance to the place they chose to create white walkers. I think that tree grew right over the north pole of the world, and serves as a conflux of magical energy. The Children spent most of their power shattering the Arm of Dorne and drowning the Neck, so they retreated to the north pole, gathered as much magic as they could from all around the world, and created a whole new type of creature at the conflux of the northern world's magic. When the white walkers broke free from the Children's control, they secured the north pole by blanketing it in endless winter, gradually expanding their corruption to the southern lands and marching under the cover of a blizzard.

    I think that's why it took two thousand years at least for the white walkers to show themselves: the Night King had to build up the force of the white walkers, turning as many human babies as he found and killing and reanimating all adults. And I think that the north pole served as the center of the children's society, and the Night King took care to make his hated creators' most sacred place completely inhospitable to them.

  2. so this whole fight between R"holor and the great other , it's just batman versus superman all over again , sorry batman's fanboys , but you are the white walkers and the zombies , because your side is the side of the dark god , superman is the red god , the god of light and fire , lmao this brawl between them will never end , i hope in the end when the night king will be close to kill jon he doen't say save lyana !!!!! and the night king suddently remember his humanity and says ; damn it was the name of my mother , let be bros pal 😀

  3. If the Children of the Forest were dumb and arrogant enough to think this plan to defend themselves against humanity wouldn't have some kind of consequence, they honestly deserve to go extinct.

  4. This might be a spoiler so read at your own risk, folks!

    I saw a video recently that theorized that the Night King is Bran HIMSELF, who according to the theory goes back in time to warn the Children not to create the Night King, but is captured because Leaf does not recognise him. The guy who Made the vid thought that Bran would be able to "fly" through time both physically and mentally and that Bran's anger that the three eyed raven did not tell him of his fate is what motivates Bran after he is turned into the NK. So basically, the Night King is an alternate version of Bran, and now he wants to kill his younger self in order to free himself from his White Walker existence. I personally think this sounds very likely in a terrifying way. He also noted that Bran was in the exact same position as the man turned into the Night King when he came out of his vision… jeez, I'm a little nervous about this being true 😮

  5. Although I still love this show and political side is still awesome, the supernatural side has been really neglected 🙁

    In books White Walkers had much more symbolic meaning. The idea of war of two forces of fire respresentig (good side of humanity like kindness, joy ,passion but also greed, , cruelty) with ice representing death and emotional coldness. It was meant that all emotions both good and evil give our life meaning. We need emotions to live. When White Walkers are emotionless and this is why they represent death.

    Here we got very generic and extremelly rushed origin story. It completely ruined this symbolic and deeper meaning that could have been presented. Also in books we had many myths and legends connected with White Walkers,

    I really hope that White Walkers existed before this happened, because it would totally ruin their origin story.
    If they do not have budget, I would have prefered if the director left their origin unclear left for viewers interpretation rather than give something like this 🙁

  6. Is this going to be the books canon as well? Because I'm not going to lie, I'm not a big fan of this twist. I always liked the others being the children/creations of the Great Other. Not men turned by angry wood elves.

  7. The children of the forest create the white walkers and use a spiral pattern in the ritual, later we see the white walkers creating similar patterns; I believe that's the white walkers way of saying ''we're back and we remember, you're doomed.''


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