Game of Thrones 6×05
The Night’s King led by an army attack Bran at the Weirwood tree, leading to the deaths of Summer the direwolf, the Three-Eyed Raven, and Hodor.



  1. This scene raises an interesting question: Was Bran fated to fall? Because if Bran never fell, then he would never have gotten his powers, and if he never gotten his powers Wylis would never have become Hodor, which is what everyone called him from the beginning. So, does that mean being pushed out of the tower was Bran's unavoidable destiny? Definitely food for thought.

  2. I just want to see the night king impaled on Longclaw by Aegon Targaryen, and then burned in the fires of Drogon, while Daenerys Targaryen riding it. Basically the two Targaryens killing the bastard in the most satisfying and sophisticated way possible.

  3. i always wonder will Hodor sacrifice himself if Bran didn't warg into his body……… seems to me that Hodor was "forced" to sacrifice himself….if so, what Bran did to Hodor is no difference to what Stannis did to his daughter


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