The genuinity of our reactions is inversely proportional to the quality of the video.



  1. The twist makes no sense. Hodor has been saying 'Hodor' for years, since before Bran was even born. You can't change the past, because it's already happened. In 'Oathbreaker', the three-eyed raven says "The past is written, the ink is dry." So when Willis drops to the ground and starts saying "Hold the door" this cannot have happened, Bran was not born at that point, and so Willis could never have been warged into. They jumped the shark, just like the last episode of 'Lost'. Fans don't see the sleight of hand and think 'BRILLIANT!' The writers have been playing the 'guy who says nothing but Hodor' card for six seasons now, waiting for an opportunity to try and explain it. They did it using a total logic fail, it's a temporal paradox that simply could not have happened.

  2. "The genuinity of our reactions is inversely proportional to the quality of the video."… lol wait, that means the better the video the faker your reaction. Why do you say that? 😀

  3. It wasn't the father, warrior, smith, or stranger… It wasn't a nobleman or a king… It wasn't azor ahai or the prince who was promised… It was a young boy named Wylis who held the door against the entire army of wights & white walkers.

    Check out my hodor reaction compilation! Includes my favorites like the normies & blind wave!


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