Game of Thrones 6×06
Daenerys rallying her army



  1. Watching back this episode it doesnt really make sense that Daenerys couldnt do what Aegon the conqueror did with his three dragons. She could sit on the Iron Throne in just a matter of weeks. The storyline in season 7 has exceeded the books so the showrunners write this typical soap opera story for season 7. Seriously, she is unbeatable from any angle why on earth she couldnt just beat Cercei and be done with it.

  2. No matter how many battles she's faced, she doesn't fail to mention her one and only Khal. No matter how long It's been, she will always remember the man who helped her find her standing in the world. He may not have given the things he promised to give her himself, but he lives within her and Drogon. She will always take the title Khaleesi as something really close to her heart. That's where it all started for her and I'm glad she's reconnected with the Dorthraki's. They may have not been a part of her original khalesaar, but Ithey are part of her roots, one way or another.


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