“No One”

Cersei refuses to be taken to the High Sparrow and so Lancel tells her to stand down or their will be violence. “I choose violence,” she says. Ser Gregor “The Zombie Mountain” Clegane takes the first faith militant that attacks him and rips his head off with his bare hands.

This episode aired on Sunday, June 12th on HBO.

All footage belongs to Game of Thrones, HBO and their owners. I give credit to them.

© All rights reserved by HBO



  1. I wonder if there will be a scene in the future: Cersei had Ser Gregor cut a path through a group of Wights so that she could make a deal with the Night King. The Night King doesn't speak and Cersei orders Ser Gregor to kill the Night King. But then Ser Gregor stabbed Cersei instead. Dying, Cersei sees that the Night King had taken control of Ser Gregor (by his blue eyes).

  2. I really hope they do not try to pit the Hound and Mountain against each other. For 2 reasons:

    1. The Mountain is no longer who he was. He died, and then was brought back to life as seemingly a loyal soldier to Cersei with no hints that he remembers his past life or can speak. The Mountain before was loyal to the Lannistars but also lived life, as in traveled, pillaged, etc.

    2. The Hound stands no fucking chance. Before it would have been a great match, but now not so much. Clearly the already powerful Mountain has leveled up significantly. Meanwhile the Hound has been shown to be a strong guy, but still just a man all the same. He's struggled thru a few fights and quite frankly is "softer" now than he was before. The Mountain would cut him in half with ease.

  3. I couldn't stand the boy who became King after Joffrey, I mean at least Joffrey was doing stuff this dude was just a pussy wtf I just wanted him to order kingsguard to murder the stupid sparrows and put them to the fucking dirt where they belong and correct Cersei's stupidity and save his family


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