Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9 – Battle of the Bastards



  1. All of Daenerys' music on the show is remenicent of Chinese culture. The cello played in the background of the scoring (or whatever instrument that is) reminds me of music you would hear in movies about China or set in China. I don't know if the creators meant to do that, but that's what it reminds me of.

  2. Everyone in the comment thread is, "Dany!", "Drogon!" , "Tyrion!!" and all I can think of watching this is are those slave master dudes trying to rock………………….*GUYLINER* ?!?

  3. GOT Slave = a person who is forced in someway (mind control, drug addiction, violence, imprisonment) to do things they do not want to do. For almost all slaves there is little or no personal gain. Thief = a person who takes for personal gain by trickery or stealth from another. Thieves reward themselves and their gang.

  4. 5:21
    Drogon: Brothers, I thought I lost you.
    Viserion: Any longer down that prison and you might have.
    Rhaegal: But thanks to the dwarf here we are, free to ride the winds again.
    Viserion: Oh how I've missed the smell of air and the light of the sun, but most of all I miss the taste of blood and burnt meat.
    Rhaegal: As do I.
    Drogon: Perfect, feed all you want brothers. There is plenty to kill here and in the coming days.


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