Game Of Thrones, Season 6, Episode 9 – Battle of the Bastards.



  1. Took Daenerys way too long to completely overthrow them. Im sorry but anyone stupid enough to bring an armada of WOODEN ships against fire breathing dragons is a piss poor strategist, Daenerys is way too smart have trouble dealing with them. Than again they needed to give the illusion of story progression until it was time for her to return to Westeros.

  2. I see some comments mentioning "bringing a boat to a dragon fight." ok first of all watch the video and listen closely. They say "the dragons under the pyramid" thinking them locked away safely still not thinking of Drogon or thinking he was there too, or the fact that Tyrion released their bonds. They thought they'd strike first army on army, while they have artillery from the sea. Point being they brought boats to infantry fight but Danny brought teen dragons.

  3. I'm beginning to see that Hollywood doesn't know the difference between dragons and wyverns. those are wyverns in this show. Just like smog in The Hobbit movie is a wyvern. Even though they're supposed to be dragons.


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