

  1. Love all the faggots asking why didn't Ramsay shot at Jon instead . Let me try one too : Why did the soldiers let ramsay fire another arrow , when he was surounded and all attention was on him ? . The point is there are some kids around here who would rather see a logical , fast , boring series….than a fucking masterpiece of a movie ?…..lets just kill all the wannabe kings with poison and make a peasant(king of the 7 kingdoms) and just end the series already huh ? like really… :)))

  2. So many mistakes were made…sansa didn't even mention to jon that the vale could help. She waited for jon's army to get slaughtered before bringing the vale. Jon knew he would lose and still went to battle. Jon went to get his brother. Jon then charged at ramsay's army alone. And last, they charged at the castle without thinking, they could have waited and done a proper siege, maybe ramsey's men would have given up. Wun wun didn't have to die. They didn't even need an army, just give wun wun plate mail and a tree, gg, ez pici.

  3. Ramsay getting punched was great and all, but the final joke was that he was the only bastard in the so called Battle of the Bastards after taunting Jon for so long about him being a "bastard"


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