“Battle of the Bastards”

After Ramsey kills Rickon in a brutal way, Jon Snow charges forward while the Bolton forces unleash their first arrows. Jon loses his mount along the way, and it’s all going as Ramsay had planned. The Bolton forces charge, and Jon draws Longclaw. It looks like the bastard of Winterfell’s last stand, but then his cavalry slams into the Bolton army, and he’s spared a trampling. Ramsay orders his archers to fire, even if it puts his soldiers at risk, while Davos declines to do the same on his side. Carnage is everywhere, and Jon Snow cuts down all comers. Men are slaughtered left and right, horses fall, mud flies, blood spurts, heads are smashed, hearts are pierced. There are literally mountains of bodies, but the fighting isn’t done. Davos and the meager Snow reinforcements charge, and then Ramsay sends in a phalanx, which surrounds Jon, Davos, Tormund and the rest of the fighters. The Bolton forces inch in with their shields and spears, and its a methodical slaughter. More men climb over the mountain of bodies.

This episode aired on Sunday, June 19th on HBO.

All footage belongs to Game of Thrones, HBO and their owners. I give credit to them.

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