Game Of Thrones, Season 6, Episode 9 – Battle of the Bastards.



  1. I feel like they could of made Giants have armor even made from trees if need be or even normal size shield tied around their body by rope just something I mean how often you got a giant fighting for you:

  2. Who came back here after S7OE1 to check if Wun Wun was indeed the one of the giant White walkers? Btw I doubt it's him. I mean, Wun Wun didn't die having a scar on his nose, despite he died with an eye blinded and a scar on his…right forehead?

  3. Why didn't Wun Wun have some huge weapon? Can a giant dude get a giant war hammer made please? Everyone else had swords and spears and bows and arrows etc. Wun Wun would be king with a war hammer. Wouldn't be fair I guess.

  4. this death piss me off… they could put some piece of woof on his cloths to void the arrows

    and clearly avoid Wun wun to get hit by arrows while he was outside trying to break the doors by making some archers fight the archers in the wall

    but no.. let just throw wun wun in there and make him have no defense


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