

  1. Let's not forget that Tommen didn't do shit when they threw Cersei in and made her walk……. I know Cersei was the cause of the high sparrow but still that's his mother and she truly loved all her children. So much to say but I ain't gonna lie I Love Cersei .. favorite character arch "long may she reign" lol

  2. i don't understand if she loved him or not, she wants him to rest with his grandfather and brothers but at the same time she denies him a proper funeral, his death doesn't seem part of her plan but then she had a new crown prepared for herself right after tommen's death, nothing matches

  3. I think they will build up Cersei as an absolute beast before tearing her down in the most glorious of ways. I think the White Walkers will get to King's Landing in one of Dany's visions it was snowing in King's Landing.

  4. ITT:

    People saying Tommen suicided instead of saying 'he committed suicide'

    People thinking Cersei had any inkling of empathy or sympathy in her with her spreading Tommens ashes where the Sept once stood.

    Other people somehow trying to defend her?????

  5. She basically killed her own sons. Joffrey by raising him to be a completely useless degenerate devoid of any valuable qualities whatsoever and Tommen by basically ignoring him through his life and then burning down the Sept where his only true love was.

  6. "… As the Sept of Baelor is no longer an option"- pshttt, "no longer an option"- putting it a bit mildly there, aren't we Qyburn, hay!?

    But yeah… why wasn't Lord Tywin's body back at Casterly Rock? Poor Tommen…

  7. Cersei has lost everything that ever meant anything to her: her black-haired boy, Joffrey, Myrcella and now Tommen, they were the only things that brought any light and love to her, and now they're gone there's nothing but darkness within her, and I get the feeling that she's going to create absolute hell. She's going to be ruthless and heartless and people are going to die. I think her reaction to Tommen's death makes sense, she seems empty because now she is.


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