Game Of Thrones, Season 6, Episode 10 – The Winds of Winter.



  1. I really don't think that Danny loved Daario the same way she does Jorah, even if it's in a platonic way. With Daario, she could see herself living without him, but with Jorah, she couldn't bear the idea. When she finds out he betrayed her, you can tell she was heartbroken, and in the end, demanded he come back to her. YAY TEAM JORAH! SUCK IT, NAHARIS!

  2. Daario loves her and protects her the way Jon never will. Imagine Jon makes her pregnant and probably won't protect her…. Jon only cares for his war duty. I feel sorry for Daenerys bcos her relationship with Jon is sweet but it's toxic and will cause her death….

  3. I feel Daario should have come with. She needs a "Bronn" or "Jaime" by her side, and no Jorah doesn't count in that regard. And if he does die in the process then so be it, Dany wouldn't feel a thing like she didn't here.

  4. Fuck the Meerin. Fuck the people. I am here for you. Not them.
    Aww… Daario is a real man. And honest. Am I the only one here who regrets that she is so cold towards him? The time when he told he loved her melted my heart. He is real man. And I love him. He is definitely an underestimated character her, and Its a pity Dany made this choice.

  5. I don't understand why people like Drogo so much. That guy was a sexist, rapist!!! He literally bought her as a sex slave. Gosh this guy is such a gentle lover and so is Jorah. Yet she friendzones them. Gosh such a bitch. Someone kill danaereys

  6. Dany?!? What are you doing?!? I'm trying to root for her but if she keeps ditching my favorite characters I might need to look for someone else to cheer for. First Jorah gets send away (twice) and now Daario will be left behind. 🙁

  7. All I see is people getting sad over the fact that Daenerys left Daario and how heartbroken he must have been. Is no one going to point out the fact hat she's leaving Meereen to Daario and his sellswords? Without the Unsullied, Dothraki and her dragons, the people will revolt, or the slavers would likely take it back.

  8. My poor baby Daario, my heart aches for him. Come on Dany, couldn't you show a little emotion? A small tear perhaps? I pray that she gets a huge shock next season and the bitch will learn not to toy around with people and their emotions. I hope Daario leaves her service and finds a place where he's treated and appreciated better. My Daario got hurt and my precious Margaery was cruelly murdered, I'm fucking not happy!


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