Game of Thrones 6×10 scene



  1. I can only imagine how much Olenna hates these smug assholes.

    There she is, with so much of her family slain, and the Snakes are ranting about how they're totally in the same boat as she is because they lost exactly on family member when Oberyn deliberately sought out a chance to kill the Mountain and died in a completely legal duel? And not only that, but by also acting like THEY know how best to get revenge?

    The Sand Snakes were almost universally hated for a reason. Their problems were 99% their own making. They didn't bring anything cool or interesting to the table (ie, good fight scenes), and yet they spent all their screentime acting like they were all that and a bag of chips.

  2. Say what you want about the writers of Game of Thrones: they know how to pander to their audience. As soon as they saw everyone's reaction to the Sandsnakes they admitted they fucked up, cut their losses and spend the next two seasons enacting their angry fanboy's fantasies. I'm not one of those angry fanboys but I can't lie and not admit that I got a bit of pleasure at seeing Euron smash those two (then those same writers flipped the script and made me feel horrible for the third and the mother the next episode).

  3. Shame that the old lady will end up killing herself this season by drinking poison,after confessing to Jamie that she killed Johrey. I guess she'll also "doo shut up deerie" would be funny if Tyene is the only one that survives from this scene.

  4. The ones that talked during this scene died xD obara, one is ellaria or olenna..but not tyene (who didnt say a word) : bronn will save her 😀 crazed ass prediction but who knows :vv

  5. this is weird…
    although I know she is very hypocrytical to want revenge against Cersei if she killed her son first, but still I feel bigger sympathy towards her than Cersei.


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