Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 10
Jon Snow is declared the King in the North



  1. I love all of the symbolism in this show. The way Jon looks at Sansa and she gives a smile as if to say it’s ok to agree and take up the role of king in the north. It was almost identical to when Robb Stark was named king in the north. Catelyn was sitting on the same side as Sansa and gave the same look

  2. It fits Jon, I would say, more so than it ever did Robb. Jon had to work to bridge gaps between different groups, he swung the sword like his father did, and he rose from being a bastard to being the King in the North, something Robb never could have done. No offense, Robb, but Jon is the true King in the North.

  3. It was an absurdly dumb scene especially in context of the plot in the books. There it is Wyman Manderly (the fat guy) who vows vengeance against the Boltons to Davos Seaworth (acting as envoy for Stannis) with the phrase "The North Remembers" and is all the more potent because 1) Our first impression of Wyman is a fat, cowardly asshole who imprisons Davos but as it turns out he is putting on quite an act and 2) It's personal — Wyman's son was killed at the Red Wedding. Lyanna Mormont is literally just fan service for show-watchers go go "awwwww what a little badass!1!!1". Also Jon Snow was a fucking idiot during the entire battle that nearly got his entire army destroyed, idk what the northern lords see in him other than that he has a dick and Sansa doesn't?

  4. Why isn't Yohn Royce demanding that Littlefinger and Sansa be put on trial. The last time he saw Sansa, she perjured herself to him and the two Ladies of the Vale in the tribunal investigating Lysa Arryn's death, and Baelish's role in it. At the time, they had told Royce that Sansa was Littlefinger's niece. Royce and the knights would have come North, believing that they were rescuing Baelish's niece, because she was "engaged" to Robyn Arryn. But, as soon as Sansa assumed the role of Lady of Winterfell, Royce should have known that she and Littlefinger lied during the tribunal, and at least suspected that they were responsible for Lysa Arryn's death. And, the fact that Sansa is not Littlefinger's niece, and assuming that Vale custom concerning incest is the same as medieval England, first cousins are too close to be married. So, he would have known that they had tricked Robyn into thinking that Sansa was his betrothed, and were plotting to take over the Vale, even if he couldn't prove they had killed Lysa.

  5. Such a cringey ass moment. Where is great Jon to kill This bastard and feed him to grey wind. Hope renly comes and bites his dick off and let him bleed to death. King in the north my arse. Where is Robb Stark, Now there’s a true king who deserves a crown. Hate this mofo sooooooooooo much I started supporting Cersei. Fuck the north filled with emo bastards. I actually want all these northern pretending bell ends to die. Oh why oh why was stannis taken so soon he was a king 🤴 to be feared not a child playing at war like this ugly mother Fucking son of a bitch ass nigga Jon Fucking snow, even his name is cringey. Daenerys should suck Robbs dick not This baaaaastard. Oh god how I want the knight king to eat this nigga. I wish I was there at Jon’s death so I could burn his body.

    Ps fuck little girl Mormount. Mage mormount is the real boss RIP


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