Hello Game of Throners, here is my reaction to the EPIC first episode of season 7 with some thoughts before and after.

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  1. One of the most difficult things about this, especially if you haven't read the books, is keeping the names of the people a;; straight, so I was just wondering, is Jorah related to The Little Bear, Lyanna? Don't they have the same last name…or are they just similar last names?

  2. "Let us not forget, there is a creature out there that can literally destroy your brain in the past. It can destroy your brain before you even know about it. It can get into the minds of wild animals…maybe even dragons."

    Seriously, you should be reciting ghost stories. That was excellent.

  3. I hope Dany doesn't lose everything. Every season Dany gains a lot and losses as well. I hope she doesn't lose Tyrion because Cersei wants him bad. Euron better get one of the four Cersei named: Tyrion, Sandsnakes, Sansa or Olenna. I hope Sansa doesn't fall for any of Littlefinger's manipulation. I hope we see Hodor and Summer as a wight.


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