Ellaria Sand and her Sand Snakes are aboard Theon and Yara’s ship. The Sand Snakes debate over who will kill which Lannister once they reach King’s Landing.

Ellaria and Yara flirt and are about to do a bit more when the ship is attacked by Euron’s ship. The ship rams Yara and Theon’s and Euron’s Ironborn board. A fight breaks out between the two Ironborn factions. The Sand Snakes join the fray and Tyene to keep Ellaria safe.

Euron Greyjoy kills both Obara and Nymeria while his men take Ellaria and Tyene captive.

Yara finds Euron and the two fight. Euron takes Yara as a human shield and calls for Theon’s attention. Euron taunts Theon. Theon looks around the ship at the carnage and jumps overboard. Euron takes Yara.

Theon floats on the wreckage in the seas and watches his other ships burn. Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 (S07E02) “Stormborn”

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  1. The Sand Snakes aren't worth a flip unless they can attack somebody from behind, or with poison, or both, and Ellaria doesn't fight at all unless she is stabbing disabled people while they sit. Really don't see what made them so cocky. Obviously neither did Euron.

  2. I love the poetic irony in the sand snakes dying in a war they desperately craved for. Even love the gritty, dirty and bloody Euron showing spoiled girls the truth of war and combat. BTW. what fucking idiot uses a whip.

  3. This is stupid! As a former military man I cant belive how they presents Yara`s acting. She has experience and skills, but in this scene it seems like she`s dealing this kind of situation very first time. In real life this would be look like very different.

  4. Theon: R-reek. Reek. Reek….
    Euron: Yesssss….take in the air, little Theon. It reeks of blood and death.
    Theon: NO! REEK! REEEEEEEK! jumps overboard
    Euron: laughs like the Joker

  5. 4:09


    God Yara is so fucking hot and cool and she's my girlfriend and I am her saltwife. she protecc me

    She's gonna get out of this and shove her salty boot up that clown's ass so hard he's gonna gag on her toes. I'm rooting for you bby

  6. All you people bashing th eon, as far as Im converned he fucking redeemed himself, he defied ramsey, saved sansa. Look at the Odds of the situation with Yara and Euron, He was outnumbered, plus he has PTSD plus Yara had a knife to her throat, Euron would of killed her. Theon did good. So piss off and Give theon some credit.

  7. My problem with Game of Thrones trying to make me believe Euron could have won this. 1.) Did the Iron Islands have a strong army even after all their defeats from their campaign to take over the Northern lands? possibly, a bit rusty but I suppose their warrior mentality could get them through a couple of battles. 2.) Do the Iron Islands have a bigger and better equipped army than the Tyrell army? Size would probably be about even, not better equipped since the Tyrell have WAY more funds and supplies than the Iron Islands could ever hope to match. 3.) Do the Iron Islands have a bigger and better equipped army than the Dornish army? no way in hell do they have a bigger army than Dorne and no way in hell are they better equipped. Not only is Dorne still fresh from not choosing a side in the war of the 5 kings but they are also a warrior kingdom that love to fight as well. 4.) Was the Iron Islands fleet bigger than the Tyrell and Dornish fleet coupled with the Greyjoy fleet? Sure, they probably outnumbered their fleet by 2 or 3. 5.) Could Euron's skills as an expert sailor have allowed him to find Yara's fleet? Probably, but by that logic Yara could have also predicted that Euron would attack them eventually, especially since she wouldn't just assume that Euron would sit tight and wait at the Iron Islands. 6.) So let's add everything up, the Iron Islands army is outnumbered by at least 2, their fleet is bigger but spread out in terms of crew member per ship, their army is somewhat spent after being defeated by the Boltons when they controlled the North, Euron could have found Yara's fleet but the reverse could have happened simultaneously so the ambush could not have been likely, Yara once said that the Greyjoys can never be defeated at sea…essentially this could give some plot armor to Euron but the same could be said about Yara.

    In the end, Game of Thrones doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the protagonists getting slaughtered by the antagonists, but at least make me believe that it is possible. Don't just give me a flashy battle that will justify Euron joining forces with Cersei and making her situation in the war effort look more balanced, especially when it was clear that she was going to get raped from 4 war fronts thus ending her stupid arc and finally allowing us to focus on Little Finger and the Night's King. P.S. I also hated the Dorne bitches, but I saw their demise being more justified than a quick battle.

  8. Am I the only one who thinks that Cersei is going to leave Elaria alive, but kill her daughter. That way she goes through the same pain that she did. As for Yara, I'm not sure what will happen.

  9. They may replace his Valyrian Steel armor with a Valyrian Steel greataxe; unless the armor he has on in this is the Valyrian Steel one. It seems to be a dark metal and its one thing; where the traditional Greyjoy armor is basically a gambeson/cloth with a leather torso piece, maybe some shoulder armor etc. ?

  10. theon did the only reasonable thing here.
    option 1: attack euron, try to free yara – would have resulted in both their deaths.
    option 2: stand and stare like an idiot – would have resulted in his own capture or worse.
    option 3: beat it – now he can organise rescue.

    i don't get why so many people mock, judge or hate theon for it.


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