Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 3



  1. Best centuries? Did you forget that shit fight Aegon II and Ryaenyra Targaryen put the Seven Kingdoms through over the Iron Throne? Have you forgotten Maegor the Cruel? A whole country was forced to deal with an inbred families petty ass shit for centuries (and problem will again, because of Jon and Dany's nasty incest love child).

  2. Bruh Daenerys is annoying as fuck every episode she tells people how she's been raped….who raped her Drogo? That's her fucking husband Jon died and you don't hear him bitching about it hit hs happen to Arya ad you don't hear her bitching about it either so bitch STFU

  3. I like game of thrones but this was one dumbass plan. They already had a huge advantage over Cersei, they could have just won the war right then. But instead they decide to send half their main guys on a suicide mission just for this meeting with Cersei who they know they can't trust anyway.

    It made for some epic scenes, I'll give it that, but they should have at least had someone else besides Tyrion come up with the plan. He's smarter than that, he would have been against it

  4. Expectation: these two will realize how closely their stories have paralleled, that they both care about the common people, that they both hate the Lannisters, and form a powerful alliance to roast the army of the dead

    Reality: lol how does one passive aggressively say 'you punk ass lil bitch'

  5. " I ask you not to judge a Daughter by the sins of her Father"
    – Declares the throne as her birthright because her father held it.
    – Confronts Jon on decisions and mistakes made by his father.
    Wow, the hypocrisy is strong with her.

  6. Because of incest in the previous generations (Aerys & Rhaella, Jaehaerys & Shaera at the latest) they share way more DNA than aunts and nephews usually do (24%).
    In fact, at 44% they share nearly as much DNA as full siblings (50%)

  7. Those who are saying this pairing is fanservice aren't paying attention to the show or books. Even if one doesn't read the books it's obvious as early as season 1 that the entire series is about Jon and Dany coming together at the end. If you look at the grand scheme of things, the political drama and everyone else is irrelevant at this point. This is all about the two Targaryens now and the things they are destined to accomplish together.

  8. It's amazing the stark (no pun intended) difference between them. One concerns herself with what the world owes her, and what it can do for her. The other, concerns himself with what he can do to help the world.

  9. I re-watched this and realized this is scene is a misunderstanding somehow caused by Tyrion. Dany specifically told him to summon Jon Snow and bend the knee. With a firm, commanding tone. But when Tyrion wrote the letter, he sounded charming. Not that Jon didn't expect her to have him surrender, of course. It's just that maybe he thought Dany would be easily persuaded. Also, can I just point out how bias people are to Dany on this scene? I love them both, but come one. Of course she won't help Jon right away. She has been working for that damn Throne her whole life, and as Tyrion said, its unreasonable to ask her to change her plans entirely because of a stranger's words. People say she's arrogant and self-entitled. Well, she has every right to be. And thats actually why i love her most. She has her "flaws", just like everybody else. But she's always had a great purpose. I think Jon should rule, but she must be by his side. Or they both should rule. Jon is honorable and all, but he's makes stupid mistakes. You know he does.


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