Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 3



  1. RIP the unsullied sent to storm the wall, keeping up the ruse of a frontal assault while grey worm and his commandos infiltrated their way in.

    So many lives lost, just to secure the tactical advantage.

    And yet, those lives were sold for nothing by the tactical ruse of Jaime Lannister.

  2. I was so excited about seeing what Casterly Rock looked like after all the talk in the previous seasons.. AND IT SURE DID AMAZE! Perfectly organized, great paint and lion drawings, good defenses, tall cliff … and even more beautiful looking than Riverrun 😍 ! The battle here was also fantastic considering its short screen time 😉 !
    PS: Please, no complaints comparing the castle to the books, I'm only a show fan 😉 !

  3. The reason why they won was because they were unsullied – the deadliest soldiers in the world. Not because they are "fighting for so much more". Lmao Tyrion really does love to ramble.

  4. The Unsullied are left dragonstone to go to Casterly Rock. Aren't they on two different seas? How are the Unsullied on water right now? I guess they could have sailed there but traveling around Westeros could not have been a short trip

  5. This is what I hate about GOT they'll have multiple episodes of setup time and whatever then they only give us 5 mins of action I mean wtf they did it when it was Rob vs tywin they never showed any fighting

  6. I wanna know how many unsullied are left after this fight. We can't use the number 800 anymore. We also lost unsullied to harpy attacks so ideally wanna know how many are here today.6000?

  7. I understand how she lost the reachmen but wjhat i do not understand is why she lost dorne? And every person who read the books will agree with me i mean the dornish lords loved the martells and hated the lannisters they would follow dany directly if she showed up there even if the lannisters had taken the last "martells" prisoner.

  8. " my sisters armies fight for her out of fear. The unsullied will be fighting for something greater. They will be fighting for freedom, and the person who gave it to them. They will be fighting for you, and that's why they will triumph."


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