Game Of Thrones 7×04 Season 7 Episode 4 Game Of Thrones S07E04 GOT 7×04 Game Of Thrones 7×05 AresPromo
Daenerys fights back. Jaime faces an unexpected situation. Arya comes home.

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  1. Lots of people saying Brienne won this fight. Conveniently missing the fact that the fight was over 4 seconds after it commenced. Brienne had no gorget, leaving her neck un-armored. Needle was at her throat after Brienne's first cut. The rest of it was just for lolz. Besides, in a "real" fight, Arya would probably drop down on her and stab her in the ear after spending the previous 5 hours hanging from the rafters like a bat, or something like that.

  2. … … … hasnt she learned anything from the faceless man?
    She has just made everyone else much more aware of her …
    Arya, you prideful brat!. You're such a disappointment…. xD

  3. Sansa survived in Kings Landing being hit, manipulated, married with the Imp, accused of killing the king, humiliating her… And when she went out of this hell, her own family tried to kill her(Lysa). And the only person she had left (Petyr) was trying to fuck her. The she got married to the worst villiain in GOT that rapes her in the wedding day humilliating her again. So she finally scapes and thanks to her the north is taken back. She probably has been through the worst villiains in the show (Joffrey, Cersei, Lysa, Petyr and Ramsay) and y'all have the courage of saying that the only thing she does well is sew? No. She is a survivor and I love Arya but she probably have died if she were in all of Sansa's situations.

  4. I want to like this scene, but it just looks unrealistic. With that blade and her arms' strength, Brienne should just swing as she pleases, Arya shouldn't even be able to deflect her.
    And hurting Brienne through that armor is another story.

  5. Ah you never know, Sansa could be useful with her mind and experience. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and to know what she's talking about. She made some good points when giving council to John so she may end up being useful. Remember, the best part of Tyrion is his mind.

  6. Jon : bastard of winterfell to king in the north and legend in the north bran : that crippled stark who knew nothing to the most knowledgeable guy in the whole world Arya : lil girl on the run to the grim reaper and arguably the best if not one of the best fighters in the world sansa : the character that got her self in alot of shit to the person who everyone now hates coz she back mouths and argues with the people who got her out of the shit ( Jon and little finger )

  7. When the fuck did arya get so good with the sword? The whole time she was training to be an assiassin not a sword fighter at most she should be ok with the sword at most

  8. This scene is so great. Only two lines are spoken, but a story is told just by the character interactions. We see just how effective Arya is in combat, to the point of frustrating and even suprising Brienne with her style of swordfighting. We see the gears spinning with Littlefinger who is obviously trying to see how he can exploit this recent development to his benefit. And we Sansa start to realize that her siblings have changed so dramatically, even more so than her.

    Excellent job

  9. 1:06 That knife flip may be the most badass move I've seen done on this show. She flips the dagger from her right hand to the left just as Brienne is grabbing her arm. All one swift motion. Hypnotic.


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