Game Of Thrones 7×04 Season 7 Episode 4 Game Of Thrones S07E04 GOT 7×04 Game Of Thrones 7×05 AresPromo
Daenerys fights back. Jaime faces an unexpected situation. Arya comes home.

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  1. We can hold them off. That moment you hear FUCKIN DRAGON SCREAM. Jamie. Shit in my pants. Yeah lets fuckin run, but how to save our little as tyrions cock dignity in this situation. FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  2. Both him and Bronn should have died that episode. Standing few feet away from soldiers that were turned into ash without any consequence,during charge he survives even though fire almost hit him which makes no sense.What a stupid fucking season and poor production.

  3. I'm thinking. Realistically, it'd probably only have been neccessary to make a pass or two with the dragon burning soldiers, and the rest of the Lannister army would have surrendered after that.

  4. It's interesting that Dany's claim to the Throne is one of bloodright. She considers Robert a usurper. But then she murders her brother, who according to her logic would have been the rightful king, making her a usurper.
    She can't go around saying it's hers' by right if she kills the person who was in line for it.
    She has no rationale.
    You might think: "Well, Viscerys was a jerk."
    Either you believe in blood right or you don't.
    The entire Targaryen line began with Aegon taking it all by force. If Dany is entitled to it because Aegon took it by force, well, Robert took it by force. So Gendry is the rightful king.
    You might think: "Well, Dany is going to re-take it all by force." Fine, but then it wouldn't be hers' by right. She's just choosing to do this. She could invade anywhere and make some stupid new chair out of melted swords.
    She's also insisted she's not going to have any kids. So… this dynasty's going to be short.
    She even says to Daario that she's going to let Mereen elect their rulers. So then why is she calling herself queen? If she's going to let people have elections, then that makes the entire concept of monarchy pointless.
    I don't even know what her goal is. To me, it's just hideous. A lot of people are going to die for no good reason. A big massive war is underway, and Dany will be queen of the rubble. The human race will go extinct before the White Walkers figure out: "Oh, we can just go AROUND the wall."

  5. You have no right to hate Dany.She is not mad,she could kill so many people and get The Iron Throne,but she didn't want to.At the end she will save Jon and everyone else from White Walkers.She is in the war,ofc she will kill soldiers.P.S. My English i realy bad,sorry about that

  6. It's funny, to see how many people are saying that Dany is a bad military commander specially when she burned all the food and the rest .. But it is not her … It's Drogon! Yes, she said dracarys but she can not control all the actions of her dragons! It's not like ( ok baby burn the food and then the soldiers or vice versa) or the same for the directions, I don't know how she does that because it is not like they are talking in mind with her dragon ? Or did I miss an episode ^^'

  7. The unwashed horde of savages would have no chance of beating a disciplined army if it wasn't for the mary sue's trump card. The fact she brought those brown things onto Westeros means she doesn't deserve the throne

  8. While based on the trailer of episode 5, Danny might have got a bit too far off with the whole burning people down thing, I find comments about how 'evil' it was of her to burn the Lannister army, quite hypocritical. Yes it's never nice to see people being burned down or killed off in such cruel ways but don't forget that Danny is only fighting back for her people and her cause and instead of burning King's Landing or the Red Keep, she actually stayed far off and only attacked the army..I don't understand how some people think it's evil of her to do that..this is war. All cruel actions could be considered evil, what Danny did wasn't any worse than what the Lannisters have done ALL THIS TIME. Not to mention how confusing it is that so many people would cheer about the death of the SOLDIERS (who are just soldiers and had no part in the decision making of the Lannisters), but when Drogon would near people like Jamie and Bron (a major traitor and gold digger with no values or loyalties), people would be like ''Aw I don't want them to die, please just flee''…are you people serious?

    You're glad that some random soldiers are being burned down but then you cry when their leaders, the LANNISTERS LEADERS are in danger? Do you forget who takes decisions and makes the commands? Or perhaps you forget just how many things your sweet boy Jamie is also responsible for? Jamie KNOWINGLY SUPPORTS A TWISTED PSYCHO LIKE CERSEI. Cersei burned an entire building with thousands of innocent CITIZENS in it..and Jamie knows that and still supports her because he can't get enough of their messed up incest..Jamie isn't as noble as people have him for..yes he might have improved since season 1 but is he really all that better now? He knows what supporting Cersei means..and one of the main allies is freaking Euron when Euron does sh@t people (mostly men) think he is 'cool' and badass but when Danny burns the Lannister army, she is a b@tch and a crazed queen? PLEASEEE people. Get your freaking thoughts str8. Double standards much? I don;t approve of the burning of innocent people or soldiers. It would make much more sense if that traitorous jerk Bronn was burned. But this is war between the scum Lannisters and Danny and I won't sit and pretend that Danny is a 'mad woman' while people like Cersei, Jamie, Euron and Bronn are the 'cool' ones.


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