Daenerys surprise attacks Jaime and the Lannisters with Drogon and the Dothraki leading to a huge battle. Bronn wounds Drogon



  1. I don't know about you guys, but I'm just glad that Jaime, Bronn, Dany and Drogon didn't get hurt too badly because I rather like all four of them. Say what you will, but I'm not about picking sides.

  2. Think about this scene from Jaime's perspective- as a young knight he watched Aerys burn dozens of men, including the Starks, with wildfire. He comments on the smell that has never left him, all those years later, watching the flesh melt off their bones. And in flies Daenerys on Drogon and he is hit with that smell and watches men dying again in the same way all over again, Aerys come again. He had a moment of post-traumatic mania/frenzy which is why he was stupid enough to charge Drogon.
    Such an awesome scene.

  3. Say what you want about Jaime Lannister, even with only one hand, he's no pussy. I can't honestly say that if I were him, I'd have had the balls to try to take Danerys out with that charge.

  4. Seeing that horse’s legs get cut off was one of the most traumatizing thing in my life😭😭 Animals getting killed in battle is always the worst part for me. They don’t even know what’s going on😭

  5. BRONN SHOULD HAVE BEEN ROASTED, especially after shooting drogon. Definitely needed more character deaths this season and Bronn is such a filler character on so many levels, but David and Dan have a crush on him, so they give him a joke every other line


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