Game Of Thrones 7X05,GOT 7X05,Game of thrones Season 7 Episode 5,Game of thrones S7E5,Game of thrones S07E05,GOT S07E05,GOT 7X5,
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DAENERYS AND JON MOMENTS Season 7 Episode 5,Daenerys and Jon snow all moments,Jon and Daenerys Moments,Game of thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Jon and Daenerys moments,GOT 7X05 Daenerys and jon moments,GOT season 7 Episode 5 Jon and Daenerys together,Daenerys and Jon together,Jon and Daenerys all moments
Haha its funny cuz Jon is Danny's nephew. Sigh, more GoT incest.
0:36 emotions unseen for long. She doesn't want to take chance again after Drogo.
Daenarys have a long list :
Khal drogo
Ser Jorah (Although its one sided)
and now jon snow.
I've seen alot of comments that Jon and Danys romantic relationship is rushed and/or pure fanfiction.
I think both statements are wrong (a forced relationship would be Robb's and Talissa's), and that their relationship is actually one of the better, if not the best written and developed romantic relationship in the series. I'm gonna break down why I think so – beware, long f*cking post ahead:
So, how when exactly does Dany and Jon start having feelings for eachother and why?
First off, it's worth noting that time passes off-screen as well. Their relationship develops fast during the course of 3 episodes (3,4,5), but off-time we know from Sansa that Jon has been gone for "weeks".
We don't know exactly how long, it could be 3, it could be 7. Point is that the show leaves plenty of time for Dany and Jon to actually develop feeling for each other, it's nothing that happens over the course of 2 days.
If you're around someone you like for several weeks, chances are that you will start having romantic feelings for said person, it's not unlikely.
It's also worth noting that both of these characters repress their feelings and do their best to hide it from the other.
Jon is better at repressing his emotions because of his personality. He has a strong sense of duty and purpose, and probably the highest willpower in Westeros, and in his mind, the nr.1 goal is to defeat the Night King, and unlike Robb, Jon won't let love get in the way.
This is shown in the series as well, because we know for a fact that these two characters (Dany and Jon) love each other by the end of episode 5, and Dany has already cracked down and done two attempts (albeit half-heartedly) to show Jon her feelings for him by this point.
He doesn't reciprocate her advances though (he still manages to repress his own feelins), which she takes as a sign that he doesn't love her, and it won't be until the end of episode 6 before Jon cracks down and open up.
I actually believe that Dany was sincere when she said that "Jon Snow doesn't love me" to Tyrion in episode 6, she truly believed that he didn't at that point.
So how did it all progress?
We start in episode 3 with their first meeting. It doesn't start well, and it shouldn't. Dany does her usual "Submit to me, I'm the rightful Queen"-speech wich usually makes people either threaten or submit to her. Jon does neither, which she finds intriguing. She doesn't like him at this point, but she doesn't dislike him either.
Jon on the other hand, shows some seriously bad diplomatic skills, which Tyrion points out later in the episode, but he's never rude or disrespects her, even when he asks if he's her prisoner now. By this point, both know that the other have been trough various stages of hell before they came here.
In the next scene, they talk alone. Unsurprisingly, they find it easier to talk to eachother when there's not a room full of people watching them. There's some more bickering, but Dany takes the first step at improving their relationship with the Dragonglass, and Jon can barely hide his surprise. Dany throws a curious glance at Jons back and we get the first potential romantic showing from her.
End of episode 3 – They are friendly to eachother, and both are curious about the other. Not really any romance worth mentioning going on as of yet.
In episode 4 their relationship improves further.
Dany trusts Jon enough at this point to leave her guards behind, and why shouldn't she? He's never been hostile to her.
In the cave Dany's resolve weakens somewhat when she see's the paintings. She still wants Jon to submit, but now she's trying to reason with him instead of simply demanding that he submits.
Jon brings up why he can't bend the knee for the first time, instead of just saying that he won't. We also get to see Jon showing some feelings for Dany at the first time during this scene, when he eyes her constantly every time she looks away or looks at the wallpaintings.
Davos brings this up later in the episode, and Jon doesn't deflect but freely admits that he is eyeing her out. He also states that there's no time for that kind of relationship with Dany.
After the cave-scene Dany looses her temper with Tyrion when he brings the bad news. It's debatable if she's being unfair to Tyrion, but he is her hand and it was his plans that went to hell.
Surprisingly, Dany turns to Jon for advice, and he not only gives her good advice, he also manages to soothe her firey temper. Jons ice soothes Danys fire. Quite beautiful in a way.
End of episode 4 – Relationship improves. They are not just friendly to eachother, but they now trust eachother. Both have at this point secretly shown interest in the other. No romance, but something is definitely growing.
In episode 5 things are starting to happen, and we get to see Dany having real feelings for Jon during this episode, even if she barely acts on them.
Dany is clearly affected by Drogon and Jon having a moment. She's surprised and intrigued by what happens, and finds it very attracting. This has been confirmed by the showwriters and Emilia Clarke if it wasn't already obvious in the show; Dany got attracted to Jon in this scene.
During their smalltalk later Jon is eying Dany out again, and what could've been a somewhat intimate moment about Jon having been killed and reborn is halted by Ser Jorah Friendzone, first of his name.
In the next scene, Dany is for the first time, albeit not intentionally, open about her feelings for Jon. Both Tyrion and Jorah picks up on this.
She clearly doesn't want Jon to leave, especially not on what is essentially a suicide mission.
She does a half-hearted attempt at preventing his departure. In episode 3, she would've forcefully prevented him from leaving, but now in episode 5, her feelings for Jon have changed drastically.
If anything, she seems to approve of Jon telling her that he doesn't need her permission to do anything.
She's a Queen, but he's a King. We know that Dany is attracted to strong men who treat her with respect and as an equal. No more attempts at making Jon bend the knee.
During the third and last scene in episode 5, Dany actually opens up to Jon about it being nice to have him around.
Both audience and Jon get's confirmation that she likes him more than just a friend and ally.
Jon does not reciprocate her feelings however (he probably wants to, but as we know, he's telling himself that he doesn't have time for a romance right now) and she wrongly interprets this as a sign that he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her. Again, I think Dany was 100% sincere in episode 6 when she thought that "Jon Snow isn't in love with me".
Up to this point, Jon has only shown his romantic feelings for Daenerys when she isn't looking. How can she know?
End of Episode 5 – Friendly relationship has grown into the start of a romantic relationship. Dany is clearly having romantic feelings for Jon at this point and can barely repress them.
Jon has feelings for Dany as well, but unlike her, he can still repress them and hasn't shown them yet.
Now, I'm not gonna delve deep into episode 6, since with all that's happened during episode 3,4,5 and that happens during episode 6, I'd say the emotional development between Dany an Jon makes 100% sense.
Dany's feelings are obvious at this point (even if she tries to deflect them when Tyrion prods her), and when she flies north she is totally in love with Jon. Jon likewise finally cracks down in the end. Amazing what another near-death experience can do to your emotions right?
Their feelings for eachother at this point makes sense; they have alot of things in common (que mandatory "including genes"-joke,), they've both had a long and arduous journey, and both where chosen by their followers to lead.
They have both been reborn in a way, suffered and in each other they see a person who treats them like no one else has ever done:
– Jon likes strong women and he likes that Dany, like himself, is willing to do things the hard way if it's the right way, and that she ultimately came to his aid when he needed it the most, even if she didn't have to. She put her money where her mouth is. He's clearly attracted to her.
– Dany is used to strong men that try to trample on her, so when she meets a strong man that treats her as an equal and that shares her view on ruling ("people comes first"), she finds it very intriguing and attractive. She's also never met anyone who could handle Drogon like Jon did. There's some mystery to him that she hasn't yet discovered.
The culmination of their relation as of episode 6, and in my opinion the most beautiful thing in their relation so far, is how Jon metaphorically bends the knee in a situation where it's technically pointless for him to do so, and where Dany since long has stopped demanding it.
This shows how much Jon actually loves and believes in her at this stage.
He doesn't bend the knee out of a strategical advantage or in order to get her support anymore, he does it out of pure respect and love for a woman who was willing to risk everything in order to help and save him and his men, even if she didn't believe in him at first.
Their love is mutual, beautiful, logical and not a single bit forced. By far the best romantic relation portrayed in this show so far.
poor jorah. he loved her then and dany married to drogo, he still loved her and dany fucked daario, now he returns for her and dany absolutely loves jon. lol. the right man and right place in the wrong time, jorah.
Why can't ser Jorah ride a bike?
Because he's always the third wheel
Danny: please look back one more time
Danny: please
Jorah looks back
Dany: FUCK!!!
They way Jon was so stubborn about bending the knee is the reason why Daenerys has feelings for him. We was different than anybody before
Urgh, forced fan fiction at best.
s07e07 Jon + dany sex đ just wait for it
Jon left without bending the knee…and they say, "You know nothing Jon Snow" He knows everything on how to play the game. He's a heartbreaker for real. Ygritte couldn't kill him and Dany is left super wettttt at that beach without him even showing any emotions towards her. Now thats some real playa playa G Status if you asked me lol
Jon and Dany has sex in episode 7 while they travel to dragonpit in kingslanding
poor jorah just couldnt catch a damn break…lol
first, there was drogo..then that dashing bodyguard/lover..forgot his name.. then he got busted for spying..them the grey scale thing… n now he's all cured, forgiven & welcomed back..there's JON fuckin SNOW standing between him n his khaleesi… what luck, hey…lol
Yall know the good insult to say to someone…. ''Your parents had to be twins to produce a kid as stupid as you''
In a way its a fact in history and obviously in Game of Thrones.
Noble families attempt to ''keep the bloodline pure'', which is rather stupid thing to do as it has opposite effect, but since were talkin about Game of Thrones and magic here then perhaps things are abit different. Having actual dragon blood in your veins is magic that we dont have in real world. Trying to keep that blood strong in the family is the only reason for Targeryan incest to happen. Jamie and Cercei however?? Lets just say its wrong in so many ways and lookin at their children i think they came out surprisingly good…even unbelievably good. One would think you would see more mental or physical retardedness there, but apparently only one child was mentally retarded. Geoffrey psychopath and sadist.
You know it's great character building when you start rooting for incest you like 2 characters so much lol
Danny should look up Gregor Clegane. Good match. I am hearing he is single.
If they were to get together, I wouldn't even be phased. After all this years of Cersei and Jaime incest, it wouldn't bug me
People are saying it's gross for dany and snow to be together and how it would be disgusting. Yet you have a BROTHER and SISTER having sex and literally producing children đđ at least their not immediate family members. Besides these relationships were known to have happened. Dany was said to marry her own brother once till she was sold off.
Dany: "He's my friend"
Jorah: "…shit"
You fucking idiots, Jon and DAENERYS shares blood. You pathetic westerns always wanted to see fucking relatives.
The Mother of Dragons has feelings for the White Wolf. If this is meant to be, I hope it works better than their previous relationships.
So the real question is……who would let the Hound assfuck you if that meant you could have sex with Daenerys?…………inquiring minds wanna know.
The title literally has nothing to do with what going on in the video
calm your shipping down you schoolgirls
what's a pity that they are family ;-;
I want this ship happen so bad
The North on top, South beneath it,
they join together, amazed by each other.
The snow gently raining on dragon eggs.
– Just humming, trying to catch the tone.
Yeah I think she is fallen in love with him, but Jon feels the same
Aren't they related by blood?
I don't think she has fallen for him, I think she admires him in a way
Ew isn't that his aunt?
Love is not in the script but in their action shows love is in the air!! Oh em me!!! That was the director said behind the scene of this new episode!! Hahaha…I saw in the eyes of daenery how she want jon to stay, but the directors said "don't you ever say that!! We still have another season to air!! Just hold your feelings daenery!!
Just read the scripts, they will have sex on a boat north in the last episode
1:19. Love is definitely in the air. You can see the worry in her eyes. Like she wants Jon to return. Like she wants to see him again. She didn't really love Daario, he was nothing more than fucking for fun and a concubine.