Jon Snow, Beric, Jorah, Tormund and The Hound make a final stand against the army of the dead.



  1. Really, no one thought of shattering the ice once more? Kinda seems like a neat strategy to keep them away a lot longer. Seeing that they figured the ice is solid, it looks like a most reasonable action if they wanted to stay alive, since there is no way they can defeat the entire army alone.

  2. Beric is the only one there that doesn't have a weapon of dragonglass or a valyrian steel? How is he one-shotting these wights? the fire isn't instantly killing them. Does he have a valyrian sword?

  3. The Hound did do a bit of developing during the filler scenes for this episode. When he sees the undead bear and freezes up, I'm sure it wasn't just the fact that there was fire involved. I'm sure the entire concept of an undead creature was something difficult for him to take in.

    When the wight advances across the lake and gets close enough to Sandor, you can see the uncertainty and fear on his face and posture, but he immediately turns that into an angry desire to survive. He went full war-mode, and it seemed like he was starting to see the fight like any other, with just a lot more shit to kill.

  4. Opportunity missed. Before the battle started there should have been a White Walker band playing "Deguello". sad bigly everybody says so the best people believe me Then Clint Eastwood could walk into the scene and start killing White by swinging an empty chair.

  5. What this episode taught me is that no hero can survive on his own:
    Tormund is saved by The Hound
    The Hound is saved by Thoros of Myr
    Thoros of Myr is saved by Beric
    Beric has been saved by Thoros of Myr 6 times
    Jon Snow is saved by Jorah and later by uncle Benjen
    Jorah is save by Jon as well
    And the whole squad is saved by daenerys and the dragons.
    Moral of the story: no man can achieve greatness on his own.

  6. For all of you "logic complainers " ……
    Ravens can fly about 800 miles each day,
    Dragons presumably fly faster ….., And gendry ran for about a day and a half ,more than enough to cover all the distance they walked , remember they weren't very far from the wall …..)

    The night King probably knew Dany was coming to help with her dragons , it was a trap , that's why he waited for such a long time before attacking ( they make it seem as if he was waiting for water to freeze) , and he probably also chose to kill viserion because he has the same abilities as bran , so he must've seen somehow that this is the best option for him….

  7. my only problem with this peisode is the complete lack of logic and it just feeling so rushed. the action is great. visuals are great…and even though the show is still overall really good and the best thing on tv since breaking bad, it's been sorely lacking the nuances and little details of the first few seasons.


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