Jon snow and his squad confront the night king army in Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6.

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  1. this is my biggest complaint…remember missandei's slavery krasnys who got greedy and wanted a dragon? he chose a dragon thinking it would obey…it did not and we saw how the dragon turned on the master because dragons are not slaves and kaleesu is the mother of dragons…they have a bond with kaleesi so it logically follows no one can control a dragon but kaleesi . the show should end…writing is getting sloppy and true fans see the inconsistencies.

  2. I'm just going to try and clear up some of these so called 'plot holes' people have been mentioning from the episode.

    1. People are wondering where the chains came from, we all know Mance Rayder's army had chains because they attempted to use chains to pull down the gate at Castle Black back in season 4. We can assume they came from there.

    2. People have been saying why didn't they bring any dragonglass with them north of the Wall. As you can see here Jorah has dragonglass daggers and Tormund is using some sort of dragonglass axe thing. Jon has a Valyrian steel sword so he has no need for it, Beric and Thoros also have no need for it as they can set their swords alight using blood magic. I suppose Gendry was just planning on clubbing anything to death and the Hound was already at Eastwatch so he has no chance to get any dragonglass.

    3. How did Gendry get back to Eastwatch so fast? Well we really have no idea how far away they all were from Eastwatch at the end of the day. For all we know there were just a days walk from there.

    4. Why didn't the Night King kill Drogon instead of Viserion? Viserion was the dragon flying around burning his entire army and the time so it was more of an urgent matter stopping that as opposed to the dragon sitting still doing nothing.

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  4. What bothers me the most in this battle scene is that each of the heroes had to fight in parallel with like 3-4 wights at most.
    It's unreasonable! They were approximately 10 altogether at this point (the heroes, minus Thoros, plus the meant-to-be-butchered wildlings that came along).

    Against them, they had thousands of wights. They should've been swarmed by them, each of them dealing with at least 20 wights per-moment.

  5. Jorah: When you killed the white walker, almost all the dead that followed fell. Why?Jon: Maybe he was the one who turned them.Jorah: We can go for the walkers. Maybe we'll stand a chance.Jon: No. We need to take that think back with us. There's a raven flying for Dragonstone now. Daenerys is our only chance.Beric: No. there's another. (pointing to the Night King) Kill him. He turned them all.Jon: You don’t understandWhat does Jon know that we don't..

  6. Gendry's letter to Danearys: "Your grace, this is Gendry. I'm the son of the man who killed your brother and overthrew House Targaryen. We made it past the wall but then we got attacked by a dead bear. Found the mountain shaped like an arrowhead like the Hound saw in his vision when he stared into the flames and we think it means something important. Finally caught a dead man. Got lucky because when we killed the white walker all the other dead dropped dead. Jon heard some thunder and told me to run back to eastwatch while the rest of them ran the other way, I don't know why they went the other way but I think they really need help. I don't know the exact location but it's somewhere north of the wall. Plz bring dragon."

  7. Does anyone remember the scene in Season 5 where Melissandre and Jon are in the lift at Castle Black, and he asks 'aren't you cold my lady?' And she replies 'no, the Lord's fire burns within me Jon Snow' and makes him feel her warm cheeks. Surely that would mean that a priest like Thoros also wouldn't freeze to death..

  8. Hopefully the season finale will be great to make up for episode 6. I love GOT & I know they pride themselves of making this fantasy themed show as realistic as possible but this episode to me is just the worse one I've seen to date (in terms of GOT standards) because it's filled with silly plot holes. I mean there are alot of GOT episodes where there are impossible & head scratching scenes but we just over look it because the episode as a whole was amazing. But this on the other hand the inconsistency & silliness severely out weights the good scenes/stories.

  9. What's awful about this is that Night's King set this whole thing up. He clearly wanted a dragon and didn't attack as he was waiting for Daenerys to arrive. He definitely didn't just get lucky. A flying serpent in the sky and he decided to be badass. Nope. Night's King totally planned this.


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