The deadly battle batween Jon’s squad and the Giant Wright Bear.

Please watch: “War for The Planet Of the Apes 2017 | The Ape Escape”




  1. I was expecting the snow bear wight to appear in series at the end of season 2 when wight army attack Night's Watch at the Fist of the First Men. In the books Mormont orders retreat after a wight bear takes the head of Thoren Smallwood the First Ranger.

  2. The producers said that they wrote the polar bear into the last few seasons but that this was so expensive they were always told no, I'm glad they got their wish and it was a cool scene but stuff like this is pretty much the reason Ghost hasn't been on screen for a season and a half. It's bullshit the Direwolves are as important to the Stark children as the Dragons are too Dany, there's only two left and we only got Nymeria for about 30 seconds. #JUSTICEFORGHOST

  3. Assuming Theons junk is still in a jar of Vinegar on Yara's bedside table back at Pyke, the Greyjoys should send it north of the wall.   Then it will come back as a Wight cock and shag people to death……


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