Scene from Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. 1 week later and I'm still watching this. I'm so pleased to see Jon make the first move this time. He knew how guarded and controlled Daenerys is and because of that, she would never act on her feelings so unless he initiates something, they're not going anywhere. So he had to man up and be the pursuer. Good work, Jon lol

  2. My overall opinion is is this Brans Buisness to tell Jon this. If Ned Wanted to tell jon he would have. Ned obviously wanted Jon too be A Stark like his mother. Simply because as long as Robert and Tywin lived he'd always be in danger and Bran has not the emotional wisdom to make such a choice to tell jon. It be funny if they tell Dany first and she has Bran killed so he cant tell. and Sam keeps silent cause Jon is happy.

  3. I'm still sort of newish to Game of Thrones, but didn't Rhaegar already have a son named Aegon? I mean, that's kind of confusing….Why would he name two of his sons Aegon? I mean yeah, he was obsessed with prophecies, but I don't know. :/

  4. Tyrion is an "excellent judge of characters" remember ? He studied history and he's smartest person alive. He knew that Ned Stark was an insanely honourable man and theres no way he could sleep with another woman right after he married Catelyn. He probobly also wondered why Rhaegar send his best knights to defend some tower in Dorne, while he was loosing his battle against Robert.
    Tyrion outsmarts people perfectly so he's the only one who could see that Ned didnt actually cheated on Catelyn, but instead he tried to outsmart rest of the world.
    Our little Lannister put 2 and 2 together and probobly thought that Dany & Jon can actually be releated in some way.

    I bet 100€ its all about that. His old pal Jon and beloved Queen having an affair while they might be releated. And this might cause problems in the future which Tyrions thinks about a lot.

    Ps. One last thing. Fuck theories about Tyrions betray…They're totally nonsense 🙂


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